CED regions in Ireland

Below are the regions in the Republic of Ireland that have declared a Climate Emergency, in chronological order. Click the “motion text” links to see details of the motions they passed.

Thank you to the good people at Green Greystones for help with verifying the information on this page.

29 April 2019, Wicklow County Council, Republic of Ireland, population 142,425

Unanimously declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency

motion text

The motion is at the end of the pdf here. Minutes are here.

– Declare a Climate Emergency for Wicklow
– Publish a Climate Action Plan
– Declare a Biodiversity Emergency for Wicklow
– Update and publish a Biodiversity Action Plan
– Report regularly on progress of both Action Plans

9 May 2019, Republic of Ireland (Eire), population 4,977,400

Declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency with cross-party support. See here and here.
– September 2019: Plans to plant 440 million trees by 2040
– March 2021: Climate Bill passed enshrining net zero emissions by 2050 and 51% reduction by 2030. See https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/22e97-government-approves-landmark-climate-bill-putting-ireland-on-the-path-to-net-zero-emissions-by-2050.

motion text

Parliamentary record is here.

That Dáil Éireann declares a climate and biodiversity emergency and accepts and endorses the Report of the Joint Committee on Climate Action entitled Climate Change: A Cross-Party Consensus on Climate Action, copies of which were laid before Dáil Éireann on 29th March, 2019 and calls for the Citizens’ Assembly to examine how the State can improve its response to the issue of biodiversity loss

13 May 2019, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, Ireland (Eire), population 218,018

A Climate Emergency motion brought by People Before Profit was passed unanimously.

motion text

Full agenda item (Item 62) is here. Minutes are here.

That this Council declares a climate emergency.

We call on central government to immediately take the radical measures necessary to drastically and sustainably reduce our carbon emissions. That all future policies and possible solutions are in keeping with a just transition, and that this just transition is taken within a global context.

We further call on central government to take all steps needed to profoundly reduce our contribution to anthropogenic climate change, and to aid the international effort of preventing irreversible global warming and climate catastrophe.

13 May 2019, Fingal County Council, Ireland, population 296,214

Declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency. Minutes are here.

13 May 2019, Dublin City Council, Ireland, population 554,554

Declared a Climate Emergency

motion text

Minutes Item 16 is here.

the following motion was proposed by Councillor Cuffe and seconded by Councillor Claire Byrne
“That Dublin City Council declares a ‘climate emergency’; and
1. Acknowledges that the Climate Change Strategy of the four Dublin local authorities states that we must act now if we are to limit global temperature rise to less than 2°C;
2. Notes with concern that Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions significantly exceed our international commitments and are rising;
3. Welcomes the establishment of a Climate Action Regional Office in Dublin City Council;
4. reiterates Dublin City’s commitments under the EU Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy initiative
5. calls on national government, council management, communities and citizens to take appropriate action to reduce Dublin City’s emissions by 5% per year going forward;
6. Seeks assistance from national government to move the Council towards carbon neutrality in its own actions at the earliest possible date;
7. Shall write to the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government seeking assistance in this regard;

And requests the Chief Executive to present a report to the June meeting laying out measures for approval by the incoming Council to achieve the reductions required.” The motion was put and carried.”

10 June 2019, Cork City Council, Republic of Ireland, population 210,000

Declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency

motion text

Motion text (Item 15.14) is here. Minutes are here.

Noting the declaration of a climate and biodiversity emergency by Dáil Éireann and reports of the United Nations on the economic, societal and environmental threats posed by climate change and biodiversity loss, Cork City Council declares a climate and biodiversity emergency in the City of Cork, shall establish a Climate Action Committee comprised of elected members and representatives of civil society in the City of Cork to meet within three months, whose remit would include prioritising transport, energy and flood protection measures consistent with a sustainable approach to the Climate Emergency; and further instructs the Chief Executive to prepare a Trees and Biodiversity Policy to be laid before the council for approval within six months.
(Proposers: Cllr. D. Boyle, Cllr. L. Bogue, Cllr. C. Finn, Cllr. O. Moran 19/212)

13 May 2019, Tipperary County Council, Ireland, population 159,553

Declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency

motion text

Minutes are here.

That Tipperary County Council acknowledge and support the recent Climate Strikes driven by the young people and families all around the country”.
That Tipperary County Council have listened and understood the deadly urgency felt by the young people and their demand that all stakeholders and representatives act immediately to ensure that young people have a liveable future in Tipperary, in Ireland and on planet earth.
That Tipperary County Council agree that the evidence of emergency from all the experts worldwide is overwhelming.
That Tipperary County Council agree that, while relatively small in global terms, Tipperary can and must step up and show visible leadership.
That Tipperary will immediately implement the following steps (as leading proactive cities and regions internationally already have)
– Declare a Climate Emergency for Tipperary
– Publish a Climate Action Plan
– Declare a Biodiversity Emergency for Tipperary
– Update and publish a Biodiversity Action Plan- Report regularly on progress on both Action Plans

17 June 2019, Kilkenny County Council, Ireland, population 99,232

Declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency

motion text

Minutes are here.

Acknowledging the findings of successive reports from the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the World Wildlife Fund 2018 Living Planet Report (LPR) that Kilkenny County Council declare a climate and biodiversity emergency for County Kilkenny.
We note that the Council has prepared to draft stage a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and encourage people to participate in the public consultation process so that it reflects to the maximum extent possible the views of people in County Kilkenny.
This strategy together with the Biodiversity Strategy [2018-2022] will form the basis on which we agree to work in an inclusive and collaborative manner with stakeholders and community groups and organisations to support local community based plans and initiatives to give effect to the actions required to address the climate and biodiversity challenge.

20 June 2019, Kerry County Council, Ireland, population 147,707

Declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency

motion text

24 June 2019, Kildare County Council, Ireland, population 222,504

Declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency

motion text

Minutes are here.

that Kildare County Council declare a Climate and Biodiversiy Emergency.

24 June 2019, Roscommon County Council, Ireland, population 64,544

Declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency

motion text

Minutes are here.

That Roscommon County Council declares a climate and bio-diversity emergency and establishes a committee to oversee the creation of a county climate and bio-diversity action plan which facilitates engagement from key community stakeholder groups, individuals and organisations who are active within the county and have a pertinent contribution to make to such a plan.

1 July 2019, Meath County Council, Ireland, population 195,044

Declared a Climate Change and Biodiversity Emergency.

motion text

Notice of motion Item 9.2 is here. Minutes are here.

Noting the declaration of a climate change and biodiversity emergency by Dáil Éireann and reports of the United Nations on the economic, societal and environmental threats posed by climate change and biodiversity loss, Meath County Council declares a climate and biodiversity emergency in County Meath and requests the Environment and Climate Change SPC to consider the further actions required.

8 July 2019, Wexford County Council, Ireland, population 149,722

Declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency.

motion text

Minutes Item 19.1 are here.

19.1 Councillor F. Ó Súilleabháin
“That Wexford County Council follows the example of neighbouring Wicklow and declares a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency and that we sign up to the Global Mayors Covenant”.

8 July 2019, Carlow County Council, Ireland, population 56,932

Declared a Climate Emergency

motion text

Agenda Item P5 is here. Minutes are here.

Standing in the name of Cllr. Adrienne Wallace
” That this Council declares a climate emergency.
Following Central governments declaration of a climate emergency we call on the government to immediately take the radical measures necessary to drastically and sustainably reduce our carbon emissions. That all future policies and possible solutions are in keeping with a just transition, and that this just transition is taken within a global context.
We further call on central government to take all steps needed to profoundly reduce our contribution to anthropogenic climate change, and to aid the international effort of preventing irreversible global warming and climate catastrophe.”

16 September 2019, Limerick City and County Council, Ireland, population 194,899

Declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency. Notice of motion is here.

16 September 2019, Offaly County Council, Ireland, population 77,961

Declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency

motion text

Motion passed as written in agenda here.

23 September 2019, Westmeath County Council, Republic of Ireland, population 88,770

Declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency

motion text

Agenda Item 16 is here. Minutes are here.

That Westmeath County Council recognises the overwhelming evidence that a climate and biodiversity crisis is evident from the research and that local action is crucial to combating this crisis.

As such that Westmeath County Council immediately implements the following steps:
– Declares a climate emergency for County Westmeath
– Commits to putting in place a Climate Action Plan
– Declares a biodiversity emergency for County Westmeath
-Updates and puts in place a Biodiversity Plan for County Westmeath
-Commits to reporting back with an update on climate and biodiversity action at every council meeting.
– Establish a Climate Action Committee comprised of elected members and representatives of civil society in Westmeath to meet within three months, whose remit would include prioritising transport, energy and flood protection measures consistent with a sustainable approach to the Climate Emergency

24 October 2019, Louth County Council, Republic of Ireland, population 128,884

Declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency

motion text

The motion:

That this Council declares a biodiversity and climate change emergency and recognises the need to respond more urgently to the threat facing the climate and to the global decline of species. This would include a progressive climate action plan and biodiversity plan. We have a duty to protect our children and grandchildren’s future, their quality of life and well-being, their natural eco-system and the climate in which they will live.

18 January 2021, Mayo County Council, Ireland, population 130,507

Declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency
Minutes are here.