Strategies in Action

Call on ALL levels of government to do what is now necessary


Signature count details here.

Text of the CED petition to all 3-levels of government:

To all Australian Parliamentarians and Councillors,

Given that:
• climate impacts are already causing serious loss of life and destroying vital ecosystems
• global average temperature, atmospheric greenhouse gases, and ocean acidity are already at dangerous levels, and
• wartime economic mobilisations have proven how quickly nations can restructure their economies when facing an extreme threat

it is inexcusable to continue with climate-damaging policies that put us all in even greater peril. The Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C goal is not a safe goal.

We call on all Australian federal, state, and territory parliaments and all local councils to:
• declare a climate emergency
• commit to providing maximum protection for all people, economies, species, ecosystems, and civilisations, and to fully restoring a safe climate
• mobilise the required resources and take effective action at the necessary scale and speed
• transform the economy to zero emissions and make a fair contribution to drawing down the excess carbon dioxide in the air, and
• encourage all other governments around the world to take these same actions.

We’ve risen to big challenges in the past when an emergency has been declared, with citizens and all sides of politics rising to the occasion and working together for the common good.

We call on all levels of government to do what is necessary now.

National government

• Talk to your federal MPs and Senators, and ask for a Statement of Support.
— See the Actions page

State/Territory governments

• Talk to your state/territory MPs and upper-house members, and ask for a Statement of Support.
— See the Actions page

Local councils

• Talk to your local Councillors or to council candidates prior to council elections and ask for a Statement of Support.
— See the Actions page
• Find out more about the huge role local councils can play here.
• Check out the Community Action in the Climate Emergency (CACE) website. We collaborate with CACE on the local council level of the Climate Emergency Declaration campaign.

Households and individuals

Government-led resource mobilisation is only half of the solution. The other half is what you and I do. Individuals and community groups are already taking initiative and using their own resources to restore a safe climate.

The chart below shows what others who signed either the 3-levels of government petition (above) or the federal petition with actions data reported:

*: The ‘Promote CED campaign’ action only had a few results because it was a recent addition to this list of actions.

Nine simple actions for reducing carbon emissions

• Minimise transport emissions
For example, walk, ride, take public transport, use an electric vehicle, avoid air travel. Instead, use video conferencing, skype for business, etc, whenever possible.

• Put your money into renewable energy
Invest in renewable energy, or donate to community solar projects – see lists of investment and donation opportunities at

• Divest – Move your money out of fossil fuels
For banks see, for superannuation see

• Power your house with clean energy
Install solar if you can, or buy renewables-friendly electricity. Disconnect from gas – see

• Be a conscious consumer
For example, buy only what you need, and buy things that last. Recycle. Upcycle.

• Plant trees
For drawing down excess carbon in the atmosphere. For example Earth Day, Trees for Life

• Eat less meat
For example, meat-free days, vegetarian, vegan

• Make your house energy efficient

• Promote the Climate Emergency Declaration campaign. This might ultimately prove to be the THE most important climate action you can take since governments have the power and resources to make the big changes we need.