Below are the places in Japan that have declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔). Click the “motion text” links to see details of the motions they passed.

25 September 2019, Iki City (壱岐市), Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan, population 28,008

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔)
Article (includes declaration text in Japanese) is here.

motion text

Declaration text in English:

Climate Emergency Declaration
In 2016, Japan, along with 175 other countries, confirmed the urgent need to address the threat of climate change. In response to climate change, the Paris Agreement was signed and aimed at “keeping the increase in global average temperature well below 2℃ above pre-industrial levels and to limit the increase of temperature to 1.5℃.”

The global average temperature has already risen by 1℃ in comparison to pre-industrial levels. From this, there has been an incessant increase in extreme weather fluctuations worldwide, which include heat waves, forest fires, floods, sea level rises, and droughts, among other extreme weather patterns. Many people, wildlife, and the natural world are becoming victims of climate change. Given the current situation, it has become increasingly difficult to live a peaceful and safe life.

Across Japan, heat waves, typhoons, severe rain fall, and flooding, among other climate
disasters, are causing tragic injuries and losses. Severe rain fall disasters and water shortages, among other abnormal weather patterns, have also been occurring in Iki City. The decrease of seaweed beds have likewise taken a serious toll on Iki City’s key fishing industry.

Iki City recognizes the considerable threat that climate change-induced global warming poses to human societies and the natural world, and hereby declares a state of climate emergency. In order to limit the increase of temperature to 1.5℃, CO2 emissions must effectively reach zero by 2050. To realistically move towards decarbonization, all of Japanese society is engaging in next steps to realize decarbonization. These actions comprise what a SDGs future city is. Through the achievement of the SDGs, new growth and developments will be possible.

1. Iki City is proactively engaging and striving to promote wide-spread public awareness of the current climate change emergency situation. Additionally, Iki City is encouraging family, societal, and business practices to align with energy conservation. These include proactive engagement with the reduction of garbage emissions, increase in reusable materials, thorough enforcement of recycling procedures, and promotion of refusing products that encourage further generation of garbage. When it comes to plastic garbage, which is the cause of oceanic pollution, the 4Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refuse) are thoroughly enforced.

2. By 2050, all of Iki City’s energy sources will move away from fossil fuels and completely convert to renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. To this end, Iki City is accelerating its initiative to cooperate with private businesses across the island.

3. Following reasonable management of forests, the reduction of greenhouse gases is being pursued while realizing a favorable natural balance between forests, rivers, ocean, and undeveloped woodland near populated areas.
4. Iki City will contact other Japanese government and local government officials for cooperation with this “Climate Emergency Declaration.”

4 October 2019, Kamakura City Council (鎌倉市), Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, population 174,314

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)

motion text

Declaration record is here.


4 December 2019, Hakuba Village Council (白馬村), Nagano, Japan, population 9,007

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)

motion text

Declaration text in Japanese is here. Declaration on the council website in English is here.

1 「気候非常事態宣言」により、村民ともに白馬村から積極的に気候変動の危機に向き合い、他自治体の取り組む模範となります。
2 2050 年における再生可能エネルギー自給率100%を目指します。
3 森林の適正な管理による温室効果ガスの排出抑制に取り組むこと等により、良質な自然循環を守ります。
4 四季を肌で感じることができるライフサイクルや、四季を通じたアクティビティの価値観を、村民一人ひとりが大切にします。
5 世界水準のスノーリゾートを目指すために、白馬の良質な「パウダースノー」を守ります。
令和元年(2019年)12月4日 白馬村長 下 川 正 剛

4 December 2019, Nagano Prefecture (長野県), Japan, population 2,052,493

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)

motion text

Declaration text (English) is here.
Declaration text (Japanese) is here.

Climate Emergency Declaration
“Go Zero Carbon by 2050”
Extreme weather events have been frequently affecting all parts of the world,including record-breaking heat waves, heavy rainfalls and large-scale droughts.The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has announced that the extreme weather is consistent with the long-term global warming trends.
Typhoon Hagibis, which tore through Japan this October,caused massive damage to Nagano as well as many other parts in Japan. In recent years, it is said that climate change is a cause of frequent weather disasters in Japan.
Climate change threatens the survival of human society on the earth. I have an impending sense of urgency that we will not be able to hand over a sustainable society to the next generations if we sit still and fail to act on the emergency.
Responding to the Paris Agreement adopted in December 2015, the Japanese Government formulated a long-term strategy, aiming for a Zero Carbon Society as the final goal.
Nagano Prefecture has spearheaded the efforts to fight the global warming, and hosted this year’s G20 Ministerial Meeting on Energy Transitions and Global Environment for Sustainable Growth. We also announced to the world an urgent call for an action on the climate change, the Nagano Declaration on Partnership for Collaborative Action for Sustainable Development.
The international community has been stressing important roles that local governments and NGOs play in the climate change, and they expect Nagano Prefecture to lead the way.
Now is the time for us to respond tothe climate change to protect the lives of future generations using two approaches;
Mitigation to reduce the climate change, and Adaptation to build cities that are resilient to disasters
Therefore, we hereby declare climate emergency, and, with determination to achieve zero carbon emissions in2050, we will unite all citizens of Nagano to promote complete proliferation of energy efficiency and renewable energy in the prefecture. We will also build a disaster-resilient region with independent and distributed energy systems, expecting sustainable development of Nagano Prefecture.
December 6, 2019
Governor of Nagano Prefecture
ABE Shuichi

12 December 2019, Ooki Town Council (大木町), Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, population 14,202

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)

motion text

Declaration text in Japanese is here and in English here.

Climate Emergency Declaration
OOKI-TOWN Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
In recent years, weather disasters caused most likely by anthropogenic global warming,have become increasingly violent. Disasters directly affected by extreme weather;such as strong typhoons, localized torrential rains, droughts and heat waves, have occurred in many places around the world, causing extensive loss and damage including a large number of human death.

According to the United Nations IPCC, the average global temperature has already risen by 1°C since before the Industrial Revolution. In its “Special Report on 1.5°C” published in 2018, it reiterated the enormous negative impacts of climate change to the world and consequently the urgency of countermeasures. Furthermore, it warned that 1.5°C would reach in 10 years from now at the earliest case until the temperature rise stopping within minimum impacts. In the future, if we would keep going as usual, global warming(climate change)would definitely become more serious, and also the impacts on the next generation would be deeply worried.

In light of the severe effects of global warming, our town“Ooki-machi”had published the “Ooki-machi Mottainai Declaration (Zero Waste Declaration)” in 2008, aiming to create a sustainable town in cooperation with residents. However, the impacts of climate change caused by global warming over these years are truly critical and pose a threat to human society and the natural ecological system. Considering these current situation, our town declare herewith a climate emergency and express our determination to make every effort to address global warming measures listed below, with the aim of realizing a society with virtually zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, as proposed by the United Nations IPCC.
1.We will share with residents by inheritance of the spirit of “the Mottainai Declaration”, that climate change is in a state of emergency, and challenge to a sustainable community development in which the environment, the society and the economy coexist harmoniously.
2.We will promote adaptation measures against climate change, so as to minimize impacts on health hazards and the agriculture caused by natural disasters and extreme heatwaves getting serious.
3.By 2030, we will replace all the electricity used by public facilities in our town with renewable energy. Furthermore in cooperation with residents, we will strengthen our efforts to realize a decarbonized society.
4.We will join hands with people from all over the world who share the same aspirations and widely work with the Japanese government and other local governments to cooperate toward “realizing a virtually zero greenhouse gas emitting society.”

Actions and plans:
5) Global warming measures taken to-date:
5-1) Developing a recycle and reuse program.
5-2) Declared in 2008「 Mottainai Campaign」to make the town an incineration and landfill free
5-3) Separating wastes into 29 kinds to reduce the amount of burning its waste.
5-4) Collecting biodegradable wastes and using it with slidges to produce biomass energy and
a liquid agriculture fertlizer.
5-5) Recycling plastic wastes and baby diapers for recycling.
5-6) Offering a subsidizing program for solar power users.

6) Future measures to be taken
6-1) All energy to be used by our public facilities will be supplied by renewable energy by 2030
6-2) Planning GHGs zero emission society by 2050.

7) Planning/considering to introduce the public’s participation program

20 December 2019, Hokuei Town Council (北栄町), Tottori Prefecture, Japan, population 14,718

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)

motion text

Declaration in Japanese is here, and in English here.

Due to the above circumstances, our town recognizes that climate change is a significant threat to mankind, hereby declares a climate emergency here, and will aim to achieve zero-carbon (net zero emissions of anthropogenic CO₂) by 2050 by pursuing efforts in the following areas:
1. Hokuei Town will promote thorough energy conservation and maximize the use of
renewable energy. These efforts will lead to economic and social issue solutions, such as the creation of mechanisms for cycling funds in the region and the construction of decentralized energy systems that are useful for disaster prevention. In addition, we will endeavor to establish mechanisms for active participation by our townspeople, and strive to collaborate with various entities, such as businesses and related local governments.
2. Hokuei Town will pursue efforts to raise awareness and educate people about climate
change issues, further promote energy conservation and the comprehensive use of the 4Rs in daily life, encourage people to live in energy-saving houses with high-performance thermal insulation, support ethical consumption habits such as “local production for local consumption,” and encourage comfortable and attractive lifestyles that contribute to the success of climate change countermeasures.
3. Hokuei Town will protect the sacred connections between high-quality forests, rivers, fields and the sea through such actions as appropriately managing forest resources, including the use of biomass resources, and maintaining farmland appropriately, and we will continue to pass on the rich natural environment here to the next generation.
4. In order for the government to take initiative and set an example, Hokuei Town will conduct comprehensive reviews of the local government implementation plan based on the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures, implement the management of public facilities and infrastructures with sustainable development in mind, and also design policies to help combat climate change in all administrative areas of our town. In addition, we will actively call on the Japanese government and other local governments regarding further measures to combat climate change, and will collaborate extensively toward achieving these aims.
December 20, 2019
Akio Matsumoto
Mayor of Hokuei Town

20 December 2019, Sakai Council (堺市), Osaka Prefecture, Japan, population 828,741

Declared a Climate Emergency

motion text

Declaration text is here.

16 January 2020, Rikuzentakata City (陸前高田市), Iwate Prefecture, Japan, population 18,567

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態) along with four other cities in the Tohoku region (shown below) which made the same declaration at a joint symposium.

motion text

Declaration in English is here.

Declaration in Japanese is here.

16 January 2020, Higashi-Matsushima City (東松島市), Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, population 39,236

See article and motion text re joint resolution with Rikuzentakata City above.

16 January 2020, Semboku City (仙北市), Akita Prefecture, Japan, population 25,857

See article and motion text re joint resolution with Rikuzentakata City above.

16 January 2020, Iide Town (飯豊町), Yamagata Prefecture, Japan, population 6,970

See article and motion text re joint resolution with Rikuzentakata City above.

16 January 2020, Koriyama City (郡山市), Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, population 333,108

See article and motion text re joint resolution with Rikuzentakata City above.

7 February 2020, Kanagawa Prefecture (神奈川県), Japan, population 9,058,094

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態を宣言).

motion text

Declaration (in Japanese) is here. Declaration (in English) is here.


Sharing the sense of crisis that the climate is in a state of emergency with municipalities, companies, academia, organizations and citizens, Kanagawa Prefectural Government(K.P.G.), as one of the most advanced prefectures in promoting SDGs in Japan, declares a climate emergency to take actions together.

25 February 2020, Chikuma City (千曲市), Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 59,381

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態)

motion text

Declaration text is here.





28 February 2020, Ikeda Town (池田町), Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 9,793

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態)
Declaration is here.

10 March 2020, Kanancho Town (河南町), Osaka Prefecture, Japan, population 16,027

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言).
Declaration record is here.

13 March 2020, Saitama City (さいたま市), Saitama Prefecture, Japan, population 1,309,768

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Declaration record is here.

13 March 2020, Morotsuka Village (諸塚村), Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan, population 1,532

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)

motion text

Declaration record is here.








1.災害時の避難対策の周知と理解 2.熱中症など健康被害対策 3.農林業の被害対策


1.太陽光発電・小水力発電の積極活用 2.バイオマス活用策の推進 3.風力発電の支援



1.自治公民館等の村内各種団体との連携 2.企業との包括連携協定による連携の強化



1.公共施設等のLED化 2.節電,エコバック等の環境負荷軽減 3.4Rによるごみ削減

2020年3月13日  諸塚村長  西川 健

16 March 2020, Otari Village (小谷村), Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 2,914

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 Carbon neutral target date.

motion text

Declaration record is here.

環境省では、2017年に「STOP THE 温暖化」を発表し、現在のように温室効果ガスを排出し続けた場合、21世紀末には気温の上昇や、世界中の雪氷の減少、短時間集中豪雨の倍増などによる、深刻な気候への影響を予想しています。



1 気候変動の現状について村民や村内事業者と情報を共有し、協働して気候変動対策に取り組みます。

2 省エネルギーの推進や再生可能エネルギーの自給率向上をめざします。

3 自然環境を守り温室効果ガスを抑制し、豊かな森林を生かした村づくりを実現します。

16 March 2020, Nasu Town (那須町), Tochigi Prefecture, Japan, population 25,281

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 Carbon neutral target date.

motion text

Declaration record is here.






16 March 2020, Kiso Village (木祖村), Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 2,877

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)

motion text

Declaration record is here.


18 March 2020, Oguni Town (小国町), Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan, population 8,735

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Declaration record is here.

23 March 2020, Akashi City (明石市), Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan, population 294,312

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)

motion text

Declaration in English is here.
Declaration in Japanese is here.

Climate Emergency Declaration
Today, climate change is triggering frequent cases of weather anomalies throughout the globe, including drought, floods and forest fires. Japan is no exception to this -torrential rain, super typhoons, sweltering summers, and other weather phenomena that used to be reported once every 50 to 100 years impact the country almost every year, causing large-scale disasters. These anomalous occurrences grow in number as the planet warms up over the long term due to the increase in the emission of greenhouse gases.
In the Paris Agreement, which went into effect in 2016, the international community set a new worldwide goal for mitigating global warming, which reads, “holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.” To successfully limit the temperature rise to 1.5°C, CO2emissions -one of the primary greenhouse gases -must reach net-zero by 2050.
Yet, greenhouse gas emissions keep increasing, with the result that the planet has been warmed by about 1°C since the pre-industrial era. Should this continue and the 1.5°C threshold is reached, it is said that Earth could be caught in a vicious cycle of warming, thus accelerating the temperature increase.
In 2018, CO2 emissions hit a record high at approximately 33.1 billion tons, which only worsened global warming. If no drastic measures are taken, it is feared that we will continue to have weather disasters that will victimize many people and the environment, making it difficult for humans to live safely and peacefully on this planet.
In order to achieve the goals laid out in the Paris Agreement, the entire international community needs to renew its recognition of this critical situation and work aggressively to curb global warming by making the fight against climate change an imperative.
It is against this backdrop that Akashi City -SDGs Future Resilient City-hereby declares a climate emergency to take preventive steps against global warming hand in hand with its residents from all walks of life, with a view toward realizing a sustainable society where anyone can have hope, without passing negative legacies onto future generations.

Climate Emergency Declaration
1.We proactively publicize climate change stemming from global warming and the immediate dangers to our residents at large to inform them of relevant facts.
2.We make concerted efforts to control emissions of greenhouse gases to pursue “net zero” CO2emissions by making Akashi a carbon neutral city.
3.We promote waste reduction/recycling and energy conservation, prompt the use of renewable energy, and call upon other municipalities to join together under the “Climate Emergency Declaration,” in collaboration with residents, administrative organs, and concerned bodies.
March 23, 2020
Fusaho Izumi
Mayor, Akashi City

26 March 2020, Osaka City (大阪市), Osaka Prefecture, Japan, population 2,668,586

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)

motion text

Declaration record is here.







26 March 2020, Kawachinagano City (河内長野市), Osaka Prefecture, Japan, population 101,719

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)

motion text

Declaration record is here.










標の一つである「つくる責任 つかう責任」の達成に効果が期待される「エシカ






26 March 2020, Tama City (多摩市), Tokyo-To, Japan, population 147,953

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Record is here.

25 May 2020, Kumatori Town (熊取町) Council, Osaka, Japan, population 43,988

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)

motion text

Motion text is here.

1 気候変動の非常事態に関する住民への周知啓発に努めるとともに、4R(Refuseリフューズ:ごみの発生回避・Reduceリデュース:ごみの発生抑制・Reuseリユース:再使用・Recycleリサイクル:再資源化)の啓発・教育に積極的に取り組み、併せて海洋汚染原因となるプラスチックごみの抑制に努めます。
2 省エネルギーの推進や再生可能エネルギーの活用を促進し、2050年までに温室効果ガス排出量を実質ゼロにすることを目指します。
3 森林などの豊かな自然環境を守り、二酸化炭素の抑制に取り組むことにより、良好な自然循環の実現を目指します。
4 気候変動の影響に対応するため、災害に強いまちづくりを推進します。令和 2年 5月25日熊取町長藤原 敏司

3 June 2020, Tateshina Town (立科町), Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 7,147

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言))
CED announcement is here.

5 June 2020, Izumiotsu City (泉大津市), Osaka Prefecture, Japan, population 75,398

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)

motion text

Motion text is here.






1 気候危機の現状について市民や事業者と情報を共有し、協働して全力で気候変動対策に取り組みます。
2 再生可能エネルギーの研究を重ね、最大限利活用等を推進し、2050 年までにCO₂排出量実質ゼロを目指します。
3 近隣自治体や、農山村を有する自治体と連携をし、自然環境を守りながら共生するための地域間連携の取り組みを進めます。
4 自然環境の保全や生態系を大切にし、花と緑を育む活動を推進するとともに、環境保全と経済活動が両立した都市構造を目指します。令和2年(2020年)6月5日泉大津市長南出賢一

5 June 2020, Minamiminowa Village (南箕輪村) Council, Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 15,601

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)

motion text

Motion text in English is here, and in Japanese is here.

Extreme weather events such as record-breaking heat, intense precipitation, and widespread droughts have been occurring more frequently than ever in various areas of the world today. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has announced that it is interlinked with the long-term global warming trends.
Typhoon Hagibis, which hit Japan last October, caused extensive damage in many parts of the country including Nagano Prefecture. It is said that the cause of these frequent weather hazards is the climate change.
The climate change threatens the continued survival of the human societies on the earth. I feel a sense of crisis that we will not be able to hand down sustainable societies to the next generations if we stand by doing nothing facing the state of emergency.
Our village is located at the area of alluvial fan in the northern part of the Ina Valley, which is surrounded by the Central Alps to the west and the Southern Alps to the east. It is an easy place to live thanks to abundant natural energy resources such as solar radiation, the amount of which is one of the best in Japan, and forests as well as water resources. Japan is struggling with a low birthrate,but our village is unique in that our population has been increasing naturally every year. Consequently, we have many children, who will lead our future. I feel it is the mission of those of us who live now to conserve and leave the rich natural environment of our village for the generations to come.
Responding to the Paris Climate Agreement adopted in December, 2015, the Japanese Government developed a long-term strategy aiming for a “Carbon-Free Society” as the final goal.
Nagano Prefecture has spearheaded the efforts to promote global warming countermeasures. Last June, Minamiminowa Village agreed to cooperate with the prefectural call for an action, “Nagano Declaration on Partnership for the Collaborative Action for Sustainable Development.”
In order to protect the lives of the future generations, we hereby declare a climate emergency. Aiming for zero carbon emissions in 2050, we express our determination to fight against the global warming by measures such as switching to renewable energy with our full effort.

9 June 2020, Mori Town (森町), Hokkaido, Japan, population 16,299

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)

motion text

Declaration text.

25 June 2020, Chiyoda City (千代田区), Tokyo, Japan, population 58,406

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)

motion text

Declaration text:

25 June 2020, Matsumoto City (松本市), Nagano, Japan, population 239,466

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔)

motion text

Declaration is here (at bottom of page).


1 持続可能なエネルギー(エネルギーの地産地消)を推進する。
2 2030年の温室効果ガス排出量は国の削減目標以上を目指す。
3 気候変動の適応・レジリエンス(強靭性)の向上を目指す。


21 July 2020, Niseko Town (ニセコ町), Hokkaido, Japan, population 4,938

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Declaration is here.

3 August 2020, Toride City (取手市), Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, population 106,691

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)

motion text

Declaration text is here.








1. 上記宣言に関する市民への普及啓発に努め、Refuse(不要なものは買わない・受け取らない)、Reduce(ごみを減らす)、Reuse(繰り返し使う)、Recycle(再生して利用する)の4Rと再生可能なエネルギーの推進に努めます。
2. 2050年の二酸化炭素排出量を実質ゼロにする取り組みを進めます。
3. 気候変動の適応策として風水害に強いまちづくりを進めます。
4. 更なる気候変動対策について積極的に呼び掛け、同じ志を持つ方々と手を結び、広く連携していきます。


取手市長 藤井 信吾

23 September 2020, Yahaba Town (矢巾町), Iwate Prefecture, Japan, population 27,227

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)

motion text

Declaration text is here.

1. 町内の自主防災会組織、消防団及び防災士が参加する防災訓練や防災に関する講演会等の研修会を定期的に開催し、台風等の自然災害発生時における町民の自助、共助の体制づくりを行います。
2. 気候変動の非常事態に関する町民への啓発に努め、温暖化を抑制する意識を高め、家庭生活や社会生活、産業活動における省エネルギーの推進を図るとともに、リデュース(分別でごみ削減!)、リユース(使えるものは再利用!)、リサイクル(資源として再生!)の3R運動を徹底し省資源化に取り組みます。
3. 岩手県では温室効果ガスの排出量を「2050年までに実質ゼロを目指す」としており、本町でもその趣旨に賛同し、町内で利用するエネルギーを化石燃料から太陽光などの地域資源に由来する再生可能エネルギーへの完全移行に向け、民間企業等との連携を一層推進します。

29 September 2020, China-cho (知名町), Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, population 5,694

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date

motion text


29 September 2020, Komoro City (小諸市), Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 42,489

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date

motion text

Declaration text is here.

現在、地球温暖化の影響とみられる記録的な猛暑、干ばつ、集中豪雨や洪水などの異常気象が世界各地で頻繁に発生しています。また、我が国においても50 年に一度、100 年に一度といわれる猛暑や集中豪雨、大型台風などの自然災害が毎年のように発生し、昨年 10 月に東日本の広範囲にわたり甚大な被害をもたらした「令和元年東日本台風」では、本市においても土砂崩落や河川の越水など、道路や農地などへの被害が発生し、市民生活に多大な影響をもたらしました。気候変動によって発生する気象災害は本市にとっても極めて深刻な脅威となっています。
本市では 2007 年 12 月に市議会で「脱地球温暖化のまちづくり宣言」が決議され、2009年には地球温暖化防止に向け「共に取り組む CO2 削減計画こもろ(小諸市地球温暖化対策地域推進計画)」を策定し、市民・事業者・行政等全ての主体が責任をもって地球温暖化対策に取り組むこととしています。ここで改めて、市民一人ひとりが危機感を持ち、国連で採択されたSDGsによる持続可能な社会の実現に向け、力を合わせ取り組む必要があります。
そのため、本市は、ここに気候非常事態を宣言し、小諸市の豊かな自然と環境を次世代に引き継ぐために、市民、事業者、行政が一丸となって、2050 年の二酸化炭素排出量実質ゼロの実現に向け、省エネルギーの徹底、自然と調和した再生可能エネルギーの導入、3R(Reduce・Reuse・Recycle)の徹底によるごみの減量、里山保全活動による森林の適正管理など、地球温暖化対策に取り組み持続可能なまちづくりを目指します。
令和2年(2020年)9月29日 小諸市長 小 泉 俊 博

30 September 2020, Sagamihara City (相模原市), Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, population 720,986

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)

motion text

Declaration text is here.

1. 深刻化する集中豪雨などの自然災害、猛暑による健康被害などから、市民の命と生活、安全を守るため、地域特性に基づく気候変動の影響への適応策に取り組みます。
2. 省エネルギーの推進や再生可能エネルギーの活用、いきいきとした森林の再生等に取り組むことで、2050年脱炭素社会の実現を目指します。
3. 気候変動問題について、市民、企業、団体、行政等あらゆる主体が情報を共有するとともに、相互に連携・協力し、全市一丸となって行動します。

12 October 2020, Saku City (佐久市), Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 98,420

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date
Declaration text (pdf) is here.

15 October 2020, Miyako City (宮古市), Iwate Prefecture, Japan, population 51,321

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 100% renewable electricity target date
Declaration text is here.

16 October 2020, Setagaya City (世田谷区), Tokyo, Japan, population 939,099

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date.
Announcement and declaration text are here.

20 November 2020, Japan National Parliament, population 125,960,000

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) in the lower house on 19 November 2020 and in the upper house on 20 November 2020
Declaration text is here.

4 December 2020, Tokyo (東京都), Tokyo-to, Japan, population 13,929,280

The Tokyo Governor declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態) at a press conference
Announcement Part 4 is here.

8 December 2020, Toumi City (東御市), Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 29,440

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)

motion text

Declaration text is here.

と う み気 候 非 常 事 態 宣 言
~ 一 人 ひ と り の 行 動 が 未 来 に つ な が る ~
1. 地の利を生かした再生可能エネルギーの利用を促進します₂
1. 環境学習やCO排出削減など市・市民・事業者による環境活動に取り組みます
1. 自家用車の利用低減など脱炭素に向けた地域環境の整備に取り組みます
1. ごみの減量、資源化を徹底し循環型社会の構築を目指します

10 December 2020, Kyoto City (京都市), Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, population 1,468,980

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態) as part of its decarbonisation resolution (脱炭素社会を目指す決議).
Resolution is here.

11 December 2020, Kiso Town (木曽町) Council, Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 11,045

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Declaration is here.

16 December 2020, Higashiyamato City (東大和市), Tokyo, Japan, population 85,229

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔)
Declaration text is here.

1 January 2021, Aoki Village (青木村), Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 4,080

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔)
Resolution is here.

10 February 2021, Suita City (吹田市), Osaka Prefecture, Japan, population 384,982

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) jointly with Toyonaka City (豊中市)
Population: 384,982
Declaration text is here.

10 February 2021, Toyonaka City (豊中市), Osaka Prefecture, Japan, population 401,615

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) jointly with Suita City (吹田市)
Declaration text is here.

15 February 2021, Fujisawa City (藤沢市), Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, population 436,744

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔)
Declaration text is here.

17 February 2021, Iwate Prefecture (岩手県), Japan, population 1,209,457

Declared a Climate Emergency ((気候⾮常事態宣⾔))
Declaration text is here.

19 February 2021, Ueda City (上田市), Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 157,480

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔)
Declaration is here.

26 February 2021, Agematsu Town (上松町), Nagano, Japan, population 4,079

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔)
Kiso Regional Union (木曽広域連合) joint motion text is here.

26 February 2021, Nagiso Town (南木曽町), Nagano, Japan, population 3,860

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔)
Kiso Regional Union (木曽広域連合) joint motion text is here.

26 February 2021, Otaki Village (王滝村), Nagano, Japan, population 728

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔)
Kiso Regional Union (木曽広域連合) joint motion text is here.

26 February 2021, Okuwa Village (大桑村), Nagano, Japan, population 3,418

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔)
Kiso Regional Union (木曽広域連合) joint motion text is here.

8 March 2021, Akkeshi Town (厚岸町), Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan, population 9,063

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔)
Declaration is here.

15 March 2021, Kijimadaira Village (木島平村), Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 4,256

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Declaration is here.

18 March 2021, Hayama Town (葉山町), Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, population 31,546

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Declaration is here.

18 March 2021, Izunokuni City (伊豆の国市), Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, population 46,212

Declared a Climate and Decarbonisation Emergency (気候非常事態宣言及び脱炭素宣言), setting a 2050 zero carbon target.
Declaration is here.

23 March 2021, Niigata City (新潟市), Niigata Prefecture, Japan, population 797,591

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Resolution is here.

24 March 2021, Hokkaido Prefecture (北海道), Japan, population 5,281,297

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Declaration is here.

25 March 2021, Sapporo City (札幌市), Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan, population 1,961,690

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and approved a new climate action plan.
Declaration is here.

25 March 2021, Gojo City (五條市), Nara Prefecture, Japan, population 33,283

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Declaration is here.

25 March 2021, Takasago City (高砂市), Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, population 92,444

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Resolution is here.

26 March 2021, Okinawa Prefecture (沖縄県), Japan, population 1,460,718

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Declaration is here.

31 March 2021, Kitakyushu City (北九州市), Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, population 940,978

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Resolution is here.

31 March 2021, joint Climate Emergency Declaration and action plan by 18 places in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan

The declaration and action plan is here.
Participating cities, towns, and villages:
Aso City (阿蘇市)
Gyokuto Town (玉東町)
Kashima Town (嘉島町)
Kikuchi City (菊池市)
Kikuyo Town (菊陽町)
Kosa Town (甲佐町)
Koshi City (合志市)
Kumamoto City (熊本市)
Mashiki Town (益城町)
Mifune Town (御船町)
Minamiaso Village (南阿蘇村)
Misato Town (美里町)
Nishihara Village (西原村)
Ozu Town (大津町)
Takamori Town (高森町)
Uki City (宇城市)
Uto City (宇土市)
Yamato Town (山都町)

1 April 2021, Kanuma City (鹿沼市), Tochigi Prefecture, Japan, population 94,591

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Announcement is here.

1 April 2021, Chigasaki City (茅ヶ崎市), Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, population 242,347

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Announcement and declaration text is here.

1 April 2021, Samukawa Town (寒川町), Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, population 48,532

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Announcement and declaration text is here.

5 June 2021, Amagasaki City (尼崎市), Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, population 450,765

Declared a Climate Emergency Action Declaration (気候非常事態行動宣言)
Declaration is here.

8 June 2021, Nagi Town (奈義町), Okayama Prefecture, Japan, population 5,465

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Declaration is here.

9 June 2021, Tosa Town (土佐町), Kochi Prefecture, Japan, population 3,997

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
On Tosa website here.

22 June 2021, Kakogawa City (加古川市), Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, population 266,433

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Declaration is here.

25 June 2021, Dazaifu City (太宰府市), Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, population 72,231

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Declaration is here.

30 June 2021, Kuki City (久喜市), Saitama Prefecture, Japan, population 152,569

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Declaration is here.

1 July 2021, Omihachiman City (近江八幡市), Shiga Prefecture, Japan, population 82,116

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Declaration text is here.

16 September 2021, Izumisano City (泉佐野市), Osaka Prefecture, Japan, population 99,161

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date
Announcement is here.

24 September 2021, Komatsu City (小松市), Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, population 108,509

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Declaration is here.

20 October 2021, Miyazu City (宮津市), Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, population 16,380

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Announcement and declaration text is here.

20 October 2021, Yosano Town (与謝野町), Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, population 19,720

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) on 20 October 2021
Population: 19,720
Announcement and declaration text is here.

17 December 2021, Kusatsu City (草津市), Shiga Prefecture, Japan, population 137,266

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date
City website and declaration text are here.

23 December 2021, Takarazuka City (宝塚市), Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, population 225,228

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date.
City announcement and declaration text is here.

23 December 2021, Goto City (五島市), Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan, population 37,775

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date
Announcement and declaration text is here.

1 January 2022, Koganei City (小金井市), Tokyo, Japan, population 127,348

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date
City announcement and declaration text is here.

5 January 2022, Tamba-Sasayama City (丹波篠山市), Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, population 39,015

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date
Announcement and resolution is here.

7 January 2022, Wadomari Town (和泊町), Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, population 6,090

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and pledged to be a ‘zero carbon city’ (ゼロカーボンシティ) by 2050

13 January 2022, Tottori Prefecture (鳥取県), Japan, population 570,569

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date
Announcement and declaration text is here.

17 January 2022, Yoshitomi Town (吉富町), Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, population 6,804

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date
Announcement and declaration text is here.

25 January 2022, Beppu City (別府市), Oita Prefecture, Japan, population 122,138

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date
Announcement and declaration text are here.

4 March 2022, Oi Town (大井町), Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, population 1,894

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date
Announcement and declaration text are here.

10 March 2022, Hashimoto City (橋本市), Wakayama Prefecture, Japan, population 59,872

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
City announcement and declaration text is here.

18 March 2022, Takatsuki City (高槻市), Osaka Prefecture, Japan, population 351,308

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date
City announcement and declaration text is here.

29 March 2022, Kizugawa City (木津川市), Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, population 79,171

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and pledged to be a ‘zero carbon city’ (ゼロカーボンシティ) by 2050

30 March 2022, Karuizawa Town (軽井沢町), Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 20,323

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔) in a joint Saku wide area-union (佐久広域連合) declaration and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date

30 March 2022, Miyota Town (御代田町), Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 15,562

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔) in a joint Saku wide area-union (佐久広域連合) declaration and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date

30 March 2022, Sakuho Town (佐久穂町), Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 11,076

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔) in a joint Saku wide area-union (佐久広域連合) declaration and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date

30 March 2022, Koumi Town (小海町), Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 4,676

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔) in a joint Saku wide area-union (佐久広域連合) declaration and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date

30 March 2022, Kitaaiki Village (北相木村), Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 755

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔) in a joint Saku wide area-union (佐久広域連合) declaration and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date

30 March 2022, Minamiaiki Village (南相木村), Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 1,057

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔) in a joint Saku wide area-union (佐久広域連合) declaration and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date

30 March 2022, Minamimaki Village (南牧村), Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 2,924

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔) in a joint Saku wide area-union (佐久広域連合) declaration and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date

30 March 2022, Kawakami Village (川上村), Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 4,009

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔) in a joint Saku wide area-union (佐久広域連合) declaration and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date

31 March 2022, Katano City (交野市), Osaka Prefecture, Japan, population 77,401

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and pledged to be a ‘zero carbon city’ (ゼロカーボンシティ) by 2050

March 2022, Shimokawa Town (下川町), Hokkaido, Japan, population 3,042

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and pledged to be a ‘zero carbon city’ (ゼロカーボンシティ) by 2050

1 April 2022, Yamato City (大和市), Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, population 242,065

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date
Announcement and declaration text is here.

22 April 2022, Hanyu City (羽生市), Saitama Prefecture, Japan, population 54,304

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date
Announcement and motion text is here.

1 May 2022, Akishima City (昭島市), Tokyo, Japan, population 113,542

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date
Announcement and motion text is here.

18 June 2022, Niihama City (新居浜市), Ehime Prefecture, Japan, population 113,755

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date
Announcement and declaration text is here.

14 July 2022, Hiroshima City (広島市), Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan, population 1,192,547

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date
Resolution text is here.

29 August 2022, Nagawa Town (長和町), Nagano Prefecture, Japan, population 5,458

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date

6 November 2022, Hino City (日野市), Tokyo, Japan, population 187,048

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date

23 March 2023, Oiso Town (大磯町), Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, population 31,179

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date

Declaration text:

28 March 2023, Maibara City (米原市), Shiga Prefecture, Japan, population 36,281

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)
Declaration text:

20 April 2023, Shimamoto Town (島本町), Osaka Prefecture, Japan, population 30,671

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)

Declaration text:

8 May 2023, Ninomiya Town (二宮町), Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, population 27,067

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候非常事態宣言)

Declaration text:

10 July 2023, Kameyama City (亀山市), Mie Prefecture, Japan, population 49,563

Declared a Climate Emergency (気候⾮常事態宣⾔) and set a 2050 carbon neutral target date

Declaration text: