Below are the UK local council, national, and dependency regions that have declared a Climate Emergency, in chronological order from 1 October 2019 onwards. Click the “motion text” links to see details of the motions they passed.
For UK declarations before 1 July 2019, go to For declarations between July 1 and September 30 2019, go to
1 October 2019, Chew Magna Parish Council, England, UK, population 1,149
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
1 October 2019, Belfast City Council, Northern Ireland, UK, population 341,877
Declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda Item is here. Minutes are here.
This Council notes the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) special report on global warming of 1.5°C, published in October 2018, which tells us that limiting Global Warming to 1.5°C may still be possible with ambitious action from national and sub-national authorities, civil society, the private sector, indigenous peoples and local communities and notes the UK Governments target of reducing emissions to net-zero by 2050. Council also notes the recent Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) reports on global species and habitat loss.
This Council has supported a motion to declare a Climate Emergency and in light of these, this Council commits to a more ambitious and more urgent target of net-zero emissions than 2050.This target will be informed by the work undertaken below and will reflect the ambition of similar cities in the UK with an initial interim target of 80% by 2030.
Council therefore;
– Commits to becoming a carbon-neutral organisation as urgently as possible, and will publish an evidence-based decision on a target year by 2021 (including Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions as defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol);
ACouncil534Tuesday, 1st October, 2019
– Requests that the Chief Executive reports back to Council within eighteen months with an Action Plan and ‘roadmap’ to ensure that Belfast City Council becomes a carbon-neutral organisation by a recommended date;
– Requests that the Chief Executive reports back to Council by 2021 with detailed information about how the Council will work with partners across the Belfast City Council Area and with central and devolved government to seek to ensure that Belfast District’s net carbon emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3) are reduced by 80% as speedily as possible compared to 2005 levels. This will include a resourcing plan for the Council and what that will require in terms of council decision making on the rates consequences. The working group will also receive a report on the costs and activities required to develop a deliverable plan, including the expertise that will need to be procured;
– Requests that Council immediately establish a Resilience and Sustainability Board similar to that in Manchester, to underpin our efforts to decarbonise Belfast;
– Requests that the Council writes to the Central and Devolved government requesting:
(a) additional powers and funding to make our climate mitigation and adaptation work possible; and
(b) that Ministers work with other governments to ensure that the UK maximizes carbon reduction urgently in line with the overriding need to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5°C.
1 October 2019, Woodley Town Council, England, UK, population 35,470
Declared a Climate Emergency and set a 2030 Carbon neutral target date.
Council article and adopted motion text is here.
This Council notes that:
The impacts of climate breakdown are already causing serious damage around the world.
Limiting Global Warming to 1.5°C (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, October 2018) may still be possible with ambitious action from national and sub-national authorities, civil society and the private sector.This Council therefore:
Commits to a declaration of a ‘Climate Emergency’ with the aim of becoming a carbon neutral organization by 2030.
Welcomes the declaration by Wokingham Borough Council of a ‘Climate Emergency’ and will actively participate in the creation of the Borough-wide climate change strategy to ensure Woodley Town Council is fully engaged in its creation for the benefit of its residents.
Will explore, with all parts of the community, the development of a local action plan in support of, and to compliment, the Borough Council’s climate change strategy plan for those parts relevant to Woodley Town.
1 October 2019, Tewkesbury Borough Council, England, UK, population 92,599
Declared a Climate Emergency and set a 2030 carbon neutral target date for the council offices
Agenda item is here. Minutes are here.
That the Council:
– Declare a “Climate Emergency”.
– Commit to doing all in its power to make Tewkesbury Borough Council offices carbon neutral by 2030.
– Expand the remit of the existing Flood Risk Management Group to deal with climate change matters with the following delegations to the Borough Solicitor in consultation with the Group:-
i)preparation of revised Terms of Reference to include an audit of the Council’s current position, an action plan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030, funding and promotion of good practice throughout the borough including buildings that provide a public service, such as the Tewkesbury Leisure Centre; and
ii)membership of the Group, taking account of its wider role.
– Call upon central government to provide additional powers and resources to support local and national action towards the 2030 target.
– Commit to working with partners in Gloucestershire to achieve Countywide carbon neutrality aims.
– Report to Council by its meeting on 21 April 2020 at the latest with a detailed action plan for delivery.
2 October 2019, Aldbourne Parish Council, England, UK, population 1,833
Declared a Climate Emergency and set a 2030 carbon neutral target date
Minutes are here.
It was RESOLVED seven in favour and four abstentions to approve the following resolutions:
1. Acknowledge that there is a ‘Climate Emergency’.
2. Aim to encourage and support the Community of Aldbourne to become carbon neutral by 2030 taking into account both production and consumption emissions and increase biodiversity.
3. Support the work of Carbon Neutral Aldbourne in undertaking a carbon audit.
4. Call on Westminster and Wiltshire County Council to provide the powers and resources tomake the 2030 target possible.
5. Work with other local authorities organisations such as neighbouring town and parish councils and appropriate government departments to determine and implement best practice methods to limit global warming to less than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels
6. Work with partners across the parish and region to deliver this new goal through all relevant strategies and plans.
7. Establish a working party to actively promote the community well-being of the inhabitants of Aldbourne.
2 October 2019, Witchford Parish Council, England, UK, population 2,385
Declared a Climate Emergency
Motion is here.
We are facing an unprecedented climate and ecological catastrophe. Leading scientists from the IPCC
have warned that if we carry on with business as usual and don’t take emergency action on climate
change, we face the gravest threats to our local and global environment. This includes worsening risks
of drought, floods, extreme heat and poverty for hundreds of millions of people. Extreme weather
events are already being seen, even in East Cambridgeshire which experienced severe drought last
year. More recently, during a heatwave in July 2019 the highest temperature ever recorded in the UK
was reached in Cambridge.
In the light of this urgent situation Witchford Parish Council:
1. Declares a Climate Emergency
2. Pledges to make the parish council carbon neutral by 2030
3. Will encourage the parish council’s contractors, other organisations within the village, East
Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridgeshire County Council to also commit to becoming
carbon neutral by 2030
4. Calls on the East Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridgeshire County Council, the Mayor
and the Government to provide the powers, resources and technical support to make the 2030 target
5. Will work with local stakeholders to develop a strategy in line with a target of net zero emissions by
2030, via a Council Working Party or Committee involving participation from as wide a range of
residents, young people, businesses, and other relevant parties as possible and should report within 6
months, or at least in time for their recommendations to be funded in the 2021 budget cycle
3 October 2019, Stirling Council, Scotland, UK, population 94,330
Unanimously declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda Item 19B is here.
[Minutes here when published]
7 October 2019, Dartford Borough Council, England, UK, population 109,709
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
That this Council recognises the serious impact of climate change and accepts that rising global temperatures presents a clear and present threat to our world. We are facing a climate emergency.
The Council further recognises that all governments (national, regional and local) have a duty to act but feels that progress in Dartford should not be constrained by the actions of the slowest. Our town and its people have a part to play in securing a sustainable future and this Council must not only be a force for change in itself, but must inspire and encourage change in others.
It welcomes the Government’s commitment to meet the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change target to cut greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 but feels that, locally, we should aspire to act faster, and go further, to embed multiple actions across our community and local economy. Some measures may be quicker to yield results than others but the Council aspires to see the effects of climate change tackled earlier than either the 2050 national target or the 2030 date proposed by some.It commits to pursuing measures that are deliverable, measureable and practical.
It will inspire and promote efforts -small and large –to address climate change throughout our local community.
It recognises that the interests of the environment are served not by empty promises or by setting one legitimate interest against another but by securing collaboration and a genuine commitment to change throughout the Borough and amongst our residents, neighbourhoods, businesses and wider partners.
It will co-operate with other authorities at every tier.Dartford knows more than most about the particular challenges posed by rising traffic volumes and the impact on local air quality.
We commit to increase our efforts to work with highways partners to reduce car use, resolve traffic issues in pollution hotspots and create workable, popular solutions within residential communities to prioritise pedestrians, cyclists and calmer, safer traffic.
It commits to make enlightened choices in our own supply chain and encourage other organisations to do the same with the aim of safeguarding resources and reducing pollution.It notes the successful inauguration of the Leader’s cross-party Working Group on Climate Change and commits to developing this group to include informed and representative local voices.Finally, this Council sets itself the goal of making a contribution to tackling climate change to match any comparable local authority.
8 October 2019, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council, England, UK, population 123,187
Recognised the Climate Emergency
Council statement download is here.
8 October 2019, Glemsford Parish Council, England, UK, population 3,382
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
It was resolved that the Parish Council declare a climate emergency by adopting BDC & SCC policy with the ability to add to it at a later date. Lesli is to help with this, possibly with the aid of representatives from village organisations.
9 October 2019, Surrey Heath Borough Council, England, UK, population 88,874
Declared a Climate Emergency and set a 2030 carbon neutral target date for council operations
Draft minutes are here. Two motions were passed.
(i)support the actions being taken by Surrey County Council in tackling the environmental impact on our daily lives and support the Government’s aim of eradicating the UK’s contribution to climate change;
(ii)ask the Executive to establish a Working Group to deliver a strategy in 2019/20 which will be charged with outlining how the Council plans to deliver the target, including actions that will be taken, and liaising with Surrey County Council in urging government to confirm what support will be made available to local authorities;
(iii)declare a ‘Climate Emergency’, and develop actions to support businesses and all relevant bodies in their work to tackle climate change; and
(iv)develop a policy for the use of renewable materials and energy across the Council’s estate.
(i)declare a Climate Emergency;
(ii)acknowledge that ‘business as usual’ is not an option in the face of the climate and biodiversity emergency that happening globally, and that society in its current form is unsustainable;
(iii)make Surrey Heath Borough Council and its contractors carbon neutral by 2030, or earlier if possible, taking into account both production and consumption emissions;
(iv)assess and adjust the Council’s current activities both in terms of their scope and how they are undertaken, this will involve the inclusion of environmental implications of recommendations in all officer reports alongside legal, financial and equality implications, including the impact of recommendations on CO2 emissions as well as any other relevant environmental factors;
(v)establish a cross-party working group, comprising 9 members, to review and make recommendations to the Council on actions to be undertaken to address climate change; and
(vi)finalise the draft Terms of Reference, as circulated with the agenda, at the first meeting of the Working Group.
9 October 2019, Lytchett Matravers Parish Council, England, UK, population 3,424
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
…that Lytchett Matravers Parish Council declare a Climate Emergency to ensure that Climate Change is at the centre of all decisions made by them for the village.
10 October 2019, Harden Village Council, England, UK, population 1,900
Declared a Climate Emergency and set a 2030 carbon neutral target date
Draft minutes are here.
Council: –
•Declares a ‘climate emergency’.
•Puts the emergency at the forefront of discussions and decision-making, ensuring negative environmental impact is avoided, minimised or mitigated and that positive solutions are embraced.
•Establishes a set of actions and commitments for working with and supporting local residents, groups and businesses to be more sustainable, progress against which will be assessed regularly.
•Calls on the Government and Bradford Council to provide the resources and powers so that our village can make its contribution to the UK’s carbon reduction targets and averting the emergency.
10 October 2019, Ryedale District Council, England, UK, population 54,920
Declared a Climate Emergency
4 November 2019: Published climate action progress report
Draft minutes P18 are here.
This Council
1.Notes that the ‘Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C’ by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in October 2018, (a) describes the enormous harm that a 2°C average rise in global temperatures is likely to cause compared with a 1.5°C rise, and (b) confirms that limiting Global Warming to 1.5°C may still be possible with ambitious action from national and sub-national authorities, civil society and the private sector.
2.Notes with concern that the impacts of climate change are already causing serious damage to communities both at home and abroad.
3.Congratulates the government in committing the UK to legally binding targets for carbon reduction and recognises that all levels of government have a duty to act and take a lead on actions within their power.
4.Recognises that a growing number of local authorities have already passed ‘Climate Emergency’ motions.
5.Recognises that local plans need to be compliant with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which require local plans to “help to: shape places in ways that contribute to radical reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, minimise vulnerability and improve resilience…”
6.Recognises it will take political will, resources and policy change to tackle climate change and that strong policies to cut emissions also have associated health, wellbeing and economic benefits.
We call on this Council to declare a “Climate Emergency” in line with, and as a minimum the government’s own legally binding net-zero targets and, as a matter of urgency, commit to actions to help achieve these targets across Ryedale.
This Council
i.Supports the comprehensive steps within the Climate Change Action Plan as a constructive means of reducing our carbon footprint in line with government targets
ii.Recommends that the Chief Executive provide officer capacity to work with and support councillors and officers to drive forward the climate change action plan and if deemed necessary, employ a dedicated Climate Change and Environment officer as part of the current re-structure plans within staff teams.
iii.Requests a report be presented to Policy and Resources, at least every six months, containing an update on the delivery of the Climate Change Action Plan along with details of any new climate change initiatives for the committee’s consideration
iv.Expects the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to use its powers to hold Policy and Resources to account and support it in ensuring the Council delivers the Climate Change Action Plan
14 October 2019, Compton Martin Parish Council, England, UK, population 508
Declared a Climate Emergency
Council record is here.
15 October 2019, High Peak Borough Council, England, UK, population 92,221
Declared and set a 2030 carbon neutral target date
Motion in agenda is here. Minutes are here.
This Council pledges to:
1.Declare a Climate Emergency
2.Make High Peak Borough Council carbon neutral in its internal operations and the services it delivers by 2030, and work with partners to achieve this target across High Peak
3.Call on the UK Government to provide the powers and resources to make the 2030 target possible.
4.Work with partners across the county and region to deliver this new goal through all relevantstrategies
5.Work to mitigate the biodiversity crisis in its actions across the Borough
6.To address this emergency, establish a cross-party working group to assist in investigation, prioritisation, drafting and delivery of a plan including targets for CO2 reduction, working withofficer support and drawing on wider expertise.
7.To include a cross section of local people in drawing up this plan.
8.To report back to Council by end of March 2020 with this plan
9.Ensure that all Council committees and scrutiny panels consider the impact on climate change and the natural environment when taking decisions and reviewing policies.
10.Review progress against the target and report back every six months.
15 October 2019, East Sussex County Council, England, UK, population 554,590
Declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda item 1.14 is here. Minutes are here.
East Sussex County Council:
(i)supports the aims and implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
(ii)recognises and declares a Climate Emergency.
(iii)will set a target of achieving carbon neutrality from its activities as soon as possible and in any event by 2050, in line with the new target for the UK agreed by Parliament in 2019.
(iv)will build upon the work we have undertaken to date, will commit resources where possible and will align our policies to address the Climate Emergency.
(v)will set out a clear plan of action to reduce our carbon emissions.
(vi)will report annually at the May County Council Meeting on its progress towards the target.
(vii)will investigate all possible sources of external funding and match funding to support this commitment, as well as writing to central government with respect to the emergency to request funding to implement swift appropriate actions.
(viii)will use our Environment Strategy to provide a strong unified voice in lobbying for support to address this emergency, sharing best practice across East Sussex and more widely through other partners
16 October 2019, Halton Borough Council, England, UK, population 128,432
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
This Council resolves to declare a Climate Emergency.
Council believes that climate change poses a severe risk to the future of our planet and global warming has serious consequences, affecting our economic,social and environmental well-being, both here in Halton and across the world.
In looking at our business activities Council agrees to:
– Ensure that Council takes responsibility for reducing, as rapidly as possible, the carbon emissions resulting from our business activities.
– Strive towards ensuring all Council activities become carbon neutral.
– Ensure all strategic decisions, budget priorities and approaches to managing our services give regard to shifting towards being carbon neutral.
– Seek to achieve 100% clean energy across the full range of the Council’s functions.
Further, Council requests that each Policy and Performance Board reviews the impact of climate change when reviewing Council policies and strategies.
In looking at protecting our communities Council further agrees:
– To help promote support from our communities for environmental change that will help reduce or eliminate carbon emissions and help raise public awareness.
– To ask all Halton schools to cover climate change within the school curriculum. Council believes all young people should be educated about the ecological and social impact of climate change.
– To work with, influence and inspire Council partners across the Borough, Cheshire and Liverpool City Region to put concern for climate change in all relevant strategies, plans and shared resources.Council further calls upon the Government to provide added resources and funding to help local authorities be best prepared to help tackle global warming at a local level.
The motion was put and carried.RESOLVED: That the motion be approved.
17 October 2019, East Cambridgeshire District Council, England, UK, population 89,362
Declared a Climate Emergency
18 November 2019: Invited residents to submit ideas for their action plan for reaching carbon neutrality by 2050
17 October 2019, Runnymede Borough Council, England, UK, population 89,424
Declared a Climate Emergency and set a 2030 carbon neutral target date for the borough, and a 2025 target for council itself.
Minutes are here.
1. Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’
2. Set up or purchase market and information monitoring tools that allow
reasonable estimates of the carbon emissions of all economic and social
activity regardless of sector within the borough.
3. Set a target to make Runnymede Borough Council carbon neutral by 2025, taking into account both production and consumption emissions.
4. Set a target to make the whole of the borough, including all economic and social activity regardless of sector, carbon neutral from a production and energy consumption (including transport) point of view by 2030.
5. Call on Westminster to provide the powers and resources to make the 2030 target easier to achieve.
6. Instruct the Constitutional and Legislative MWG to explore ways the
Sustainable Communities Act could be used to support RBC carbon
emissions reduction targets.
7. Work with other councils and the government to determine and implement best practice methods to limit Global Warming to less than 1.5°C. Continue to work with partners across the region to deliver this new goal through all relevant strategies and plans.
8. To set up a specific climate change and carbon reduction MWG and require all service committees to be presented with policies and plans to deliver against these targets within 6 months.
9. Produce a report for next Council on the level of investment in fossil fuel
and carbon intensive industry of our pension plan and other investments.
10. Embed climate change targets into the Council’s future investment plans.
11. Embed climate change objectives into planning policy.
12. Report by Annual Council 2020 a costed action plan to get to targets set out above
13. Report to Council annually with the current situation and plans the council will take to address this emergency.
14. Aspire for national recognition as having the most ambitious and
comprehensive climate change targets, plans and accountability structures of any branch of local government in England and Wales.
21 October 2019, Lichfield City Council, England, UK, population 33,816
Declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda item 8 is here. Minutes are here.
Lichfield City Council declares that a climate change emergency exists,and in consequence resolves to take this into account as a factor in all future deliberations of the Council.
23 October 2019, Thurrock Council, England, UK, population 174,341
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
Thurrock Council therefore resolves to:
1.1Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’ that requires urgent action;
1.2Request that the Council’s activities become net-zero carbon by 2030;
1.3Request that the Council embed this work in all areas and take responsibility for reducing, as rapidly as possible, the carbon emissions resulting from the Council’s activities;
1.4Request that the relevant Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Climate Change convenes a Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change and a Climate Change partnership group, involving Councillors, residents, young citizens, climate science and solutions experts, businesses and other relevant parties. Over the following 6 months, the Group should consider strategies and actions being developed by the Council and other partner organisations and develop a strategy in line with a target of net zero emissions by 2030. It should also recommend ways to maximise local benefits of these actions in other sectors such as employment, health, agriculture, transport and the economy. Themembership of this group should be agreed in consultation with GroupLeaders;
1.5Request that all reports in preparation for the 2020/21 budget cycle and investment strategy will take into account the actions the Council will take to address this emergency;1.6Request that the Leader write to the UK Government asking them to provide the powers, resources and help with funding to make thispossible, and ask local MPs to do likewise.
24 October 2019, Fareham Borough Council, England, UK, population 116,339
Declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda Item 14 is here. Minutes are here.
Fareham Council notes:
That climate breakdown is being recognised as an emergency around the world;
That the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change asserts that limiting Global Warming to 1.5°C may still be possible with ambitious action from national and sub-national authorities, civil society and the private sector;
That the House of Commons and a growing number of UK local authorities, including our County Council partner, have already passed ‘Climate Emergency’ motions;
That Fareham Council has for many years been a leader in seeking to reduce carbon-based energy use and in promoting recycling of materials, and that the Executive Leader recently announced the intention to set up a working group tasked with moving to a carbon neutral position.
Fareham Council welcomes the Leader’s statement to the Executive Meeting of September 26 and asserts that the proposed working group’s goals should include:
1. Make the Council’s activities net-zero carbon by 2030
2. Achieve 100% clean energy across the Council’s full range of functions by 2030
3. Ensure that all strategic decisions, budgets and approaches to planning decisions are in line with a shift to zero carbon by 2030.
4. Support and work with the County Council, The Partnership for South Hampshire (PfSH) and voluntary agencies towards making the entire area zero carbon within the same timescale and convene a Citizens’ Assembly to involve the wider population in the process.
5. Request that the Council and partners take steps to proactively include young people in the process, ensuring that they have a voice in shaping the future;
6. Report on the level of investment in the fossil fuel industry that our pensions plan and other investments have, and review the Council’s investment strategy to give due consideration to climate change impacts in the investment portfolio;
7. Call on the UK Government to provide the powers, resources and help with funding to make this possible, and ask local MPs to do likewise;
8. Consider other actions that could be implemented, including (but not restricted to): renewable energy generation and storage, encouraging alternatives to private car use, providing electric vehicle infrastructure and, increasing the efficiency of buildings, in particular to address fuel poverty; proactively using local planning powers to accelerate the delivery of net carbon new developments and communities.
30 October 2019, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, England, UK, population 257,280
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
This Council therefore resolves to:
1.Join other local authorities in declaring a climate emergency
2.Create a Members Working Group to propose an informed target for the Council’s carbon reduction by 2025 and to review it every 5 years thereafter, and to develop a “Carbon Action Plan” towards these goals, and that this Working Group should report back to the Council no later than March 2020
3.Develop a strategy for RMBC to play a leadership role in promoting community, public and business partnerships in reducing carbon emissions
4.Mandate officers to lobby Government for additional resources to support this strategy where these are required
5.Pledge to produce, in January of each year, a Rotherham Climate Emergency Annual Report, detailing the Council’s progress against the Carbon Action Plan
6.Pledge to ask our partner organisations across Rotherham to support us by making clear commitments to dealing with this climatic crisis
Require all officer reports from April 2020 to Cabinet and Full Council to contain Impact assessments in relation to Climate change.On being put to the vote, the motion was carried unanimously.
4 November 2019, Sidmouth Town Council, England, UK, population 12,569
Declared a Climate Emergency via signing on to the Devon County Council declaration. Minutes are here.
5 November 2019, North East Combined Authority, England, UK, population 1,157,170
Declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda Item 10 is here. Minutes are here.
In recognition of the seriousness of the global climate emergency, the North East Combined Authority resolves to:
i.Declare a “Climate Emergency”.
ii.Fully support all four NECA constituent authorities in working towards their ambitious carbon reduction targets.
iii.Establishing a task and finish group to identify what additional resources and legislation would be required to support the local authorities work to reduce carbon emissions across the NECA footprint.
iv.Receive an annual update report on progress towards emissions targets within the NECA constituent authority areas and data relating to reduction of carbon emissions across the NECA footprint.
v.Maximise all funding opportunities to support carbon emission reductions.
vi.Facilitate the sharing of best practice across the NECA area.
vii.Work with NECA constituent authorities to help prioritise carbon reduction measures that will have the greatest impact while bringing in added benefits such as environmental improvements and economic growth.
viii.Work collaboratively with the North East Local Enterprise Partnership to promote carbon reduction across the business community and within future iterations of the Strategic Economic Plan and the Local Industrial Strategy.
ix.Ensure all future NECA Leadership Board reports comment on the impact any decision will have on the climate emergency agenda
Proposer: Councillor I Malcolm
1 November 2019, National Association Of Local Councils, UK
Declared a Climate Emergency. Announcement is here.
11 November 2019, Chagford Parish Council, England, UK, population 1,449
Declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency
Minutes are here.
12 November 2019, St Giles on the Heath with Northcott Hamlet Parish Council, England, UK, population 617
Declared a Climate Emergency via signing on to the Devon County Council declaration. Minutes are here.
13 November 2019, Uttoxeter Town Council, England, UK, population 13,089
Declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda Item 17 is here.
Councillor Trenery requested this matter be included within the Agenda and requests Council give consideration to the above mentioned, following the example of Staffordshire County Council which, at its July meeting,declared a climate change emergency. Council is asked to give consideration to declaring a climate change emergency and, where feasible, follow the steps in the 20 point checklist contained in the SLCC Bulletin forwarded to Councillors on 11 October 2019. See AppendixH. Councillor Trenery to report thereon. Council’s instruction is sought thereon.
13 November 2019, Arun District Council, England, UK, population 160,758
Declared a Climate Emergency
Council document is here.
18 November 2019, Sheffield City Region Combined Authority, England, UK, population 1,358,200
Declared a Climate and Environmental Emergency. Agenda item is here. Minutes are here.
18 November 2019, Middlewich Town Council, England, UK, population 13,595
Declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda item is here. Minutes are here.
Councillor V Perez-
Middlewich Town Council publicly declares a climate emergency MTC fully supports CEC in declaring a climate emergency in Cheshire east and calls on the cabinet to urgently prioritise combatting climate change and its adverse effects at a borough level as promised at their meeting on 22nd May 2019, as well as empowering and supporting Town andparish councils in initiatives.
19 November 2019, Tamworth Borough Council, England, UK, population 78,653
Declared a Climate Emergency
19 November 2019, Launceston Town Council, England, UK, population 9,216
Declared a Climate Emergency.
Minutes are here.
It was resolvedthat;
(i)the receipt of a signed petition requesting the Town Council declare a climate emergencybe noted
(ii)the Town Council form a working party to investigate what actions can be undertaken and what is required of the Council and that the working party membership be cllrs J Harris, S Allen, J Heaton and P O’Brien with the ability to co-opt membership from outside of the Council
(iii)the Town Council declares a Climate Emergency and supports Cornwall Councils aim to become carbon neutral by 2030
19 November 2019, Chorley Borough Council, England, UK, population 116,821
Declared a Climate Emergency
Draft minutes are here.
a) That Chorley Council recognises the scale and urgency of the global challenge from climate change, as documented by the latest Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and declares a climate emergency;
b) That the Council welcomes the work of Overview and Scrutiny Task Group andrequests that it reviews and recommends what further corporate approaches can be taken through Chorley Council to facilitate stronger Chorley wide action through collaboration at a strategic, community and individual level;
c) That all relevant outside organisation member representatives, Cabinet Membersand senior officers work with partners, including individuals and community action groups across the borough to identify ways to make Chorley carbon neutral by 2030, taking into account both production and consumption emissions;
d) That the Leader of the Council be requested to write to the Secretaries of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy; Transport; Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; and Housing, Communities and Local Government calling for the creation, provision or devolution of powers and resources to make achievement of the 2030 target possible in Chorley; and
e) That the Chief executive be requested to update the Council before the end of February 2020 with the actions the Council has and will take to address this emergency.
19 November 2019, Llandrindod Wells Town Council, Wales, UK, population 5,309
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
Minutes confirming declaration are here.
20 November 2019, Gedling Borough Council, England, UK, population 117,896
Declared a Climate Emergency and set a 2030 carbon neutral target date for the borough.
Minutes are here.
1) Join with other councils and Parliament in declaring a Climate
2) Set a goal and vision of becoming carbon neutral across
Gedling borough by 2030;
3) Ensure that this work doesn’t just focus on the activity of
Gedling Borough Council, but also reaches out to partners and
residents to help them reduce their carbon footprint;
4) Produce a practical and robust action plan to ensure that all
councillors and officers are clear what Gedling Borough
Council will do to tackle the climate emergency;
5) Work with employers in the borough, including businesses, the
third sector, charities and the public sector to encourage them
to take steps to reduce their carbon emissions and operate in
a more sustainable way, and learn from any best practice that
they’ve already put in place;
6) Work with local MPs to lobby the Government, as well as
Labour’s front bench and other major political parties to
ensure that local government is given the powers and funding
they need to tackle the climate emergency and make our
borough greener.
Vote: 38 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions
21 November 2019, Kidlington Parish Council, England, UK, population 13,723
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
28 November 2019, South Cambridgeshire District Council, England, UK, population 157,519
Declared a Climate Emergency
Decision is here.
The Council, therefore, pledges to:
1.Declare a Climate Emergency;
2.Report to Full Council within 6 months on the carbon reduction targets and projects for the Council’s own buildings and operations;
3.Ensure that all strategic decisions, budgets and approaches to planning decisions by the Council are in line with a shift to zero carbon;
4.Ensure that the new Greater Cambridge Local Plan fulfills its role in bringing forward net zero carbon development, particularly in new housing and infrastructure, as well as ensuring that new development can adapt to our changing climate;
5.Work with partners acrossthe district to deliver this target through investment, skills, strategies andplanning;and
6.In order to enable South Cambridgeshire and the rest of the UK to reach net zero carbon before 2050, call on government, industry and regulators to implement the necessary changes with funding, transformed national infrastructure, policy, new technologies and legislation.
1 December 2019, Wantage Town Council, England, UK, population 11,327
Declared a Climate Emergency. Council article is here. Minutes are here.
2 December 2019, Perranzabuloe Parish Council, England, UK, population 5,406
Declared a Climate Emergency and set a 2030 carbon neutral target date for the parish
Minutes are here.
Members AGREED the motion:
that Perranzabuloe Parish Council:
a.Declares a Climate Emergency;
b.Pledges to work towards making Perranzabuloe carbon neutral by 2030;
c.Works with Cornwall Council to assist with their declaration to make Cornwall carbon neutral by 2030;
d.Acts as a voice for the community to lobby for action on climate change, raise the profile and share lessons with higher levels of government;
e.Continues to work with the community of Perranzabuloe and its surrounding parishes to deliver this new goal through all relevant strategies and plans; and
f.Assists with the preparation of an Action Plan within six months to address this emergency.
It was further AGREED to set up a working group to address these issues. Membership would be agreed at the next meeting.
2 December 2019, Ilkley Town Council, England, UK, population 14,809
Declared a Climate Emergency.
Agenda Item 9 is here. Minutes are here.
Ilkley Town Council resolves to:
1. Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’.
2. Pledge to do everything within the Town Council’s power to make Ilkley carbon neutral by 2030, by reducing net carbon emissions year-on-year towards a target of zero carbon emissions from the town.
3. Call on the UK Government to provide the powers and resources to make the 2030 target possible, noting the Climate Change Act 2008, the recommendations of the Independent Committee on Climate Change, the 1 May 2019 declaration of a Climate Emergency by the House of Commons and the 12 June 2019 amendment of the Climate Change Act that commits the UK to achieving “net zero greenhouse gases” by 2050.
4. Produce a climate action plan with the local community and partners in the public, private and voluntary sectors, including Climate Action Ilkley (CAI) and Ilkley Business Improvement District (BID); with reference to/guidance from the Leeds City Region Climate Coalition (of which Bradford Metropolitan District Council is a member).
5. Utilise (but not be limited to) the following local levers:
a) The formation of an Ilkley Town Council Committee with delegated responsibility for environment and sustainability, to determine criteria for 5b, to develop strategy and to review progress [the final name and terms of reference for this committee to be agreed by Full Council] b) Revised Ilkley Town Council policy criteria that will expect carbon reduction to be taken into account in all Town Council decision-making processes
c) Guiding documentation such as The Ilkley Neighbourhood Development Plan (INDP) & Ilkley Sustainability Plan (ISP) [subject to referendum/adoption by the Town Council], and “A summary carbon roadmap for Ilkley Town Council”
d) An Ilkley Town Council-facilitated process of public consultation to identify priorities and actions in collaboration with stakeholders in the town
e) A physical ‘drop-in’ climate emergency ‘hub’ in conjunction with partners in the voluntary, public and private sectors, to provide information to residents and businesses on carbon reduction strategies
6. Review progress by regular reports (6 monthly) of the above environment and sustainability committee to Full Council, with the addition of “Climate Emergency” as a standing monthly business item for the Full Council Agenda.
2 December 2019, Grimley Parish Council, England, UK, population 627
Declared a Climate Emergency. Council newsletter is here.
Minutes can be downloaded here.
Our Emergency Declaration is an opportunity to create a better and sustainable future for ourselves and our children, that will enhance our community, environment, local economy and our overall wellbeing.
Grimley Parish Council will have full regard for the above Objectives specifically in regard to:
1) The management of Parish staff, land, commons and greens.
2) Contracts and the commissioning of projects.
3) Promoting local food production, businesses and enterprises.
4) Commenting on planning applications, developments – green spaces, transport, infrastructure.
5) Information to individuals and Parish, businesses, organisations and schools in our area.
6) Information to wider authorities and colleagues, lobbying higher tier councils and Government.
7) Creation of an Environment Working Party of local volunteers, in order to harvest resident ideas on changes that can contribute towards a more sustainable, climate friendly Parish.
8) This declaration will be reviewed annually. It will be supplemented by supporting documents identifying specific targets and actions that will be developed by the Council and Environmental Working Party.
3 December 2019, North Tawton Town Council, England, UK, population 2,026
Declared a Climate Emergency
4 December 2019, Gittisham Parish Council, England, UK, population 398
Declared a Climate Emergency via signing on to the Devon County Council declaration. Minutes are here.
4 December 2019, Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council, England, UK, population 128,902
Declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda Item 14 is here.
This Council declares a climate emergency and in doing so commits to:
– establishing a cross party working group to investigate and
subsequently advise on the actions and timescales required to
make the Council’s activities carbon neutral by 2030. The working
group will report initial findings and recommendations back to
Cabinet within 4 months with the ability to invite a relevant external
expert as appropriate
– engaging with partner councils (specifically Warwickshire County
Council and Warwickshire’s 5 District and Borough Councils), local
businesses, environmental groups and residents to inform our
future actions; and
– call on government to provide the resources and where required the
powers to enable Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council to help
deliver the UK’s carbon reduction targets.
4 December 2019, North Warwickshire Borough Council, England, UK, population 62,014
Declared a Climate Emergency
Article and motion text is here.
Minutes can be downloaded here.
10 December 2019, Horley Town Council, England, UK, population 22,076
Declared a Climate Emergency
Council article with motion text is here.
Horley Town Council therefore commits to:
Its resolution made to declare a ‘Climate Emergency’ that requires urgent action.
Do everything in its power to make the Council’s activities net-zero carbon by 2030 and achieve 100% clean electricity consumption across the Council’s facilities by 2025.
Immediately establish an Environment working group focused on eliminating carbon emissions, plastic waste and damage to the local ecology. (already established).
Ensure that all strategic decisions and budgets are in line with a shift to zero carbon by 2030 whilst still maintaining the Council’s service delivery and financial resilience.
Support and work with all other relevant agencies and authorities towards helping Horley become zero carbon by 2030.
Launch an Environment Week to include residents and especially young people in the process, ensuring that they have a voice in shaping the future.
Ensure that all reports in preparation for the 2021/22 budget cycle and investment strategy will consider the actions the council will take to address this emergency.
Call on the UK Government to provide the powers, resources and help with funding to make this possible, and to persuade our local MPs to do likewise.
10 December 2019, Holbeton Parish Council, England, UK, population 619
Declared a Climate, Environment, and Biodiversity Emergency
Minutes are here.
HolbetonParish Council resolves to declare a Climate, Environment and Biodiversity Emergency. To work with all partners, including environmental experts, other local authorities, businesses and residents, to produce an ‘Environmental Action Plan’ for the parish and report this back to council within six months. And lastly to call on higher levels of government(Westminster, Devon County Council and South Hams District Council) to implement swift appropriate actions and provide the powers, funding and resources to make carbon neutrality and environmental restoration possible.
10 December 2019, Horncastle Town Council, England, UK, population 6,815
Declared a Climate Emergency. Minutes are here.
11 December 2019, Horwood Lovacott and Newton Tracey Parish Council, England, UK, population 487
Declared a Climate Emergency
17 December 2019, Midlothian Council, Scotland, UK, population 91,340
Declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda item is here.
Midlothian Council agrees to declare a ‘Climate Emergency’ that requires urgent action.
Make the Council’s activities net-zero carbon by 2030 Achieve 100% clean energy across the Council’s full range of functions by 2030 Ensure that all strategic decisions, budgets and approaches to planning decisions are in line with a shift to zero carbon by 2030.
Support and work with all other relevant agencies towards making the entire area zero carbon within the same timescale;
Ensure that political and chief officer leadership teams embed this work in all areas and take responsibility for reducing, as rapidly as possible, the carbon emissions resulting from the Council’s activities, ensuring that any recommendations are fully costed and that the Executive and Scrutiny functions review council activities taking account of production and consumption emissions and produce an action plan within 12 months, together with budget actions and a measured baseline;
Request that Council Scrutiny Panels consider the impact of climate change and the environment when reviewing Council policies and strategies;
Work with, influence and inspire partners across the district, county and region to help deliver this goal through all relevant strategies, plans and shared resources by developing a series of meetings, events and partner workshops;
17 December 2019, Liskeard Town Council, England, UK, population 9,417
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
17 December 2019, West Bletchley Parish Council, England, UK, population 22,213
Declared a Climate Emergency
Climate Declaration
Resolved that:
i)the report be received,
ii)this Council confirms that it wishes to make a Climate Declaration,
iii)this Council will undertake a full audit of its activities to establish and agree an action plan with a view to becoming carbon neutral by 2030 at the latest,
iv)this Council will undertake engagement, identify opportunities and provide leadership for Community Projects that seek to address the climate emergency.
19 December 2019, Bickleigh Parish Council, England, UK, population 239
Declared a Climate Emergency
6 January 2020, Westbury Town Council, England, UK, population 16,989
Declared a Climate Emergency
Motion 24 in agenda is here. Minutes are here.
That Westbury Town council joins move stations across the UK and the world by declaring a climate emergency.
That Westbury town council either:
sets up the climate change working group or instruct the existing operations and organisation working group to:
draft a climate change action plan CAP within 6 months for consideration by the council to consider how we might become carbon neutral and to recommend a target date for this make recommendations as to adopting protocols and actions such as joining the Covenant of Mayors
That Westbury Town Council immediately add a section to the motion template used by many councillors that refers to climate change impact to encourage councillors to consider what effect any of our action might have in this area and whether mitigation be put in place.
That Climate Change becomes a risk to the council and becomes part of all relevant council projects and is recorded on the risk register.That the council includes relevant sections on climate impact when developing new policies and as part of its process of regular policy review.
That the council considers how the community can be involved, perhaps by formation of a panel which meets regularly (e.g. once every 6 months) to review progress and practice.
13 January 2020, Nottingham City Council, England, UK, population 321,500
Declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency and adopted a Carbon Neutral Charter (city-wide carbon neutral by 2028)
Agenda item is here. Minutes are here.
2.1 To declare a climate and ecological emergency.
2.2 To adopt the Carbon Neutral Charter, as set out in appendix 1.2.3To consult on an Action Plan, which will be the methodology of enacting the Charter, and note that the outcome of consultation and any further recommendations or actions to be taken following the outcome of the consultation will be subject to further approval.
13 January 2020, Luton Borough Council, England, UK, population 214,109
Declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda item is here.
1.Executive are asked to:
(i)Endorse a letter to the Prime Minister setting out the Council’s concern that local authorities need urgent support on changes to legislation, policy and funding to ensure that local action on Climate Change can be effective;
(ii)Following the review of the data, Declare a Climate Change Emergency in Luton and support the setting of 2040 as a target for Luton to reach net zero carbon.
(iii)Receive the draft Anthesis report which sets the current carbon budget for Luton and outlines some key issues that need to be addressed for Luton in order to reach a net zero carbon budget by 2040;
(iv)Instruct the Corporate Director, Place and Infrastructure to continue work with LLAL and LLAOL in working towards the net zero carbon by 2040.
(v)Instruct the Corporate Director, Place and Infrastructure and Corporate Director, Public Health and Well-being to bring forward proposals on air quality.
(vi)Recognise the small direct proportion of the Luton carbon budget that is attributable to the activities of Luton Council and to endorse the Action Plan set out at Appendix B.
(vii)Support the revised timeline for developing the Luton wide Action Plan based on the engagement strategy set out in paragraph 25.
(viii)Support the approach of establishing a Citizens Assembly on Climate Change as a follow onto the budget consultation.
(ix)Instruct the CorporateDirector, Place and Infrastructure to bring back proposals for a Climate Change team to lead and drive this agenda for Luton.
14 January 2020, Kenn Parish Council, England, UK, population 968
Declared a Climate Emergency
16 January 2020, Hillingdon Borough Council, England, UK, population 304,824
Declared a Climate Emergency and set a 2030 carbon neutral target date for council services
Draft minutes P10 are here.
– Looking to the future, this Council declares that there is a current global climate emergency and, as a consequence, agrees to extend the Council’s climate change targets beyond those currently set, as follows:
o To become carbon neutral across the Council services by 2030 and;
o To achieve 100% clean energy across the Council’s services by 2030.
– Furthermore, resolves that, to meet these targets practically and be accountable to residents for them:
o Recognise that, initially, they will span the Council’s direct services and, subject to future review by the Cabinet, may grow to encompass the Council’s wider commercial supply chain;
o The Cabinet Member for Housing and the Environment, in consultation with the Leader of the Council assumes a new Executive responsibility within the Council’s Constitution for climate change strategy;
o Responsibility for oversight and scrutiny of the Council’s efforts in relation to climate change be given to the Corporate Services, Commerce and Communities Policy Overview Committee to review as they see fit and engage the community;
o The Chief Executive designate a lead officer to act corporately on climate change and in pursuit of the above targets;
o An annual action plan be submitted to Cabinet, aligned with the budget, to monitor achievement. Furthermore, a review of environmental performance reporting be undertaken to actively engage staff in ways to tackle climate change in their service areas and communicate progress more widely to residents.
16 January 2020, Godmanchester Town Council, England, UK, population 6,711
Declared a Climate Emergency. Minutes are here.
16 January 2020, Kenton Parish Council, England, UK, population 3,087
Declared a Climate Emergency via signing on to the Devon County Couoncil declaration. Minutes are here.
20 January 2020, Boston Borough Council, England, UK, population 64,637
Declared an ongoing Climate and Environmental Emergency
Agenda Item P17 is here.
1.Boston Borough Council declares an ongoing climate and environment emergency and commits to apledge to reduce the Council’s carbon footprint and become net-zero carbon in advance of the timetable declared by UK Parliament.
2.All Council reports, policies and practices shall incorporate climate change mitigation and environmental impact as key drivers for consideration.
3.UK Government be requested to provide financial support to Councils to achieve/improve upon their carbon reduction commitments.
4.Include the environment, carbon reduction and halting climate change within the Council’s emerging corporate strategy.
5.Collate and promote the positive activity and success of the Council’s work across all areas of environmental good practice.
6.Request that the Environment & Performance Committee adopt Climate Change within its terms of reference.
7.Develop, cost and propose a series of “quick wins” and activity reporting and monitoring progress to the E & P Committee over the next two years.
8.Explore options for cost effective, accredited and audited options for commercial carbon offsetting schemes.
9.Move to a “Green Energy” source utilitysupplier as soon as possible.
20 January 2020, Newton Poppleford and Harpford Parish Council, England, UK, population 1,715
Declared a Climate Emergency. Minutes are here.
21 January 2020, Highworth Town Council, England, UK, population 8,151
Declared a Climate Emergency. Minutes are here.
22 January 2020, Shetland Islands Council, Scotland, UK, population 23,210
Recognised the Global Climate Emergency
Motion text is here.
As a council we recognise the global climate emergency. The evidence is irrefutable and the science is clear. Action is required. As a council we must demonstrate community leadership, We must act and engage with the community to ensure that Shetland can, and does play our fair part in tackling this global emergency.
22 January 2020, Kensington and Chelsea Royal Borough, England, UK, population 156,197
Declared a Climate and Environment Emergency
Agenda item is here. Minutes are here.
This Council therefore resolves:
1.To declare a ‘Climate and Environment Emergency’;
2.To inform residents and business about how they are affected by climate change and should draw up policies to:
a.move RBKC operations to zero carbon by 2030, identifying the actions and resources necessary to do this; and promote the transition of all residents’ and business activities located in RBKC to zero carbon by 2040, identifying the financial, legal and other changes necessary to do this;
c.identify the networks (including community organisations, local business alliances, including business improvement districts, and other local organisations) that can support this transition;
3.To set interim targets and work towards a final plan by Octoberin2020, Vision Carbon Zero, for how RBKC will reach carbon neutrality by 2030 and the wider Borough by 2040;
4.That RBKC integrates the ‘Vision Carbon Zero’ plan through all its work and that the plan is part of any decision made.
5. To call on the Mayor of London to make all buses electric in RBKC.
6.To continue working with partners including other local authorities, universities, community groups and business groups across the Borough, London and nationally to deliver this new goal through all relevant strategies and plans, and draw on best practices at national and international levels.
28 January 2020, Sampford Peverell Parish Council, England, UK, population ?
Declared a Climate Emergency
29 January 2020, Dover District Council, England, UK, population 118,131
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
29 January 2020, Knowsley Council, England, UK, population 149,571
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
29 January 2020, Leek Town Council, England, UK, population 20,768
Declared a Climate Emergency. Council notice is here. Minutes are here.
29 January 2020, Barking and Dagenham Council, England, UK, population 211,998
Declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda item is here.
Minutes coming soon
3 February 2020, Northern Ireland Assembly, UK, population 1,885,400
Declared a Climate Emergency
Official record is here.
That this Assembly recognises that we are facing climate breakdown and a biodiversity crisis, declares a climate emergency; and calls on the Executive to fulfil the climate action and environmental commitments agreed in the New Decade, New Approach agreement by commencing, as a matter of urgency, a review of the Executive’s strategies to reduce carbon emissions in respect of the Paris Accord and the need to limit global warming to 1·5 degrees above pre-industrial temperatures by 2100 and to ensure that targets are met; and further calls upon the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs to begin immediately work to establish an independent environmental protection agency based on models of best practice, that will be appointed within 12 months.
6 February 2020, Ledbury Town Council, England, UK, population 9,290
Declared a Climate Emergency. Agenda Item 19 is here.
6 February 2020, Lynton & Lynmouth Town Council, England, UK, population 2,188
Declared a Climate Emergency via signing on to the Devon County Couoncil declaration. Council notice is here. Minutes are here.
10 February 2020, Publow with Pensford Parish Council, England, UK, population 2,119
Declared a Climate Emergency
Council record is here.
11 February 2020, Modbury Parish Council, England, UK, population 1,454
Declared a Climate Emergency
Notice on website:
12 February 2020, Chardstock Parish Council, England, UK, population 828
Declared a Climate Emergency. Draft minutes are here.
13 February 2020, Tandridge District Council, England, UK, population 87,496
Declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda item P5 is here. Minutes are here.
Council therefore resolves to:
(i) Declare a Climate Emergency.
(ii)Establish its own Climate Change Action Plan, with targets to cut its environmental impactand steps to become carbon neutral by 2030. To achieve this, the council officers willreport on what the council is already doing and can do to reduce its carbon footprint.
(iii) Work with other councils in the South East which have declared a climate emergency toensure co-ordinated action to support the delivery of carbon neutral targets.
(iv)Ensure the targets include:
●ways to ensure the impact of climate change is considered in all planning applications
●the inclusion of residents, businesses and communities, including Parish Councils, inpreparing the action plan.
(v)Request the Strategy & Resources Committee to formally agree the Climate ChangeAction Plan as soon as practicable which will be ratified by Full Council within the next 6months
(vi)Arrange for the Climate Change Action Plan to be reviewed in full annually and updatedor amended, if required, to take account of changes in legislation, new best practice,advances in technology or any other changes in circumstances
(vii)Arrange for regular updates on progress against the ratified plan to be brought to theStrategy & Resources Committee.
17 February 2020, Radstock Town Council, England, UK, population 5,620
Declared a Climate Emergency
[Minutes here when published]
18 February 2020, Henley-on-Thames Town Council, England, UK, population 11,619
Declared a Climate Emergency. Minutes can be downloaded here.
20 February 2020, Daventry District Council, England, UK, population 85,950
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes P9 are here.
1.The Council declares a Climate Emergency.
2.The Council sets realistic targets (Scopes 1, 2 and 3) for the reduction of emissions to April 2021 and calls on West Northamptonshire Council to continue this work after 2021.
3.After May 2020, and prior to vesting day, DDC urges the shadow West Northamptonshire Council to set up a working group to consider the 17 issues identified.
4.Amend report templates so that emissions information is included in the environmental section where relevant.
5.The Chief Executive appoints a member of the senior management team as Climate Emergency Champion.
6.A leaflet is included with 2020/21 Council Tax bills promoting Big Switch and sources of energy saving advice and other green initiatives. (3 issues covered)
7.Climate Emergency communication plan to be prepared and delivered in 2020/21. (12 issues covered).
8.Ask West Northamptonshire Planning Policy leads to consider local policy guidance to require heat pumps and solar panels.
9.Explore whether any Council commercial projects are viable under the Smart Export Guarantee introduced January 2020.
10.Progress Tree policy and action plan ready for consideration Summer 2020. (5 issues covered)
11.Explore amending the CIL infrastructure list to include measures to offset carbon emissions.
12.Liaise with partners and other councils to explore ways to further promote World Environment Day to more stakeholders.
13.Create in-house video and/or other promotional material to clarify what can be recycled and show what happens to recyclates collected, including processing and reuse.
14.Explore provision of recycling bins in public spaces by engaging with parishes.
15.Explore with Daventry Town Council the feasibility of a ‘Green Market’ including locally sourced and sustainable meat and dairy produce.
16.Explore with NCALC and parish councils whether there is an appetite for a Climate Emergency forum.
17.Work with partner councils to explore the cost and feasibility of engaging consultants to advise the best ways of substantially reducing net carbon emissions from Council buildings.
18.Explore the best ways of achieving a net nil carbon waste operation as part of the Future Northants programme.
19.DDC urges the Shadow West Northamptonshire Council, and Daventry Norse, to consider alternatives to petrol when machinery needs replacing.
20.Advise Members of the option for them to formally request summons (with agenda papers) for Council meetings to be sent electronically
20 February 2020, Pershore Town Council, England, UK, population 7,125
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
25 February 2020, Tameside Council, England, UK, population 225,197
Declared a Climate Emergency
[Minutes here when published]
2 March 2020, Kingsbarns Community Council, Scotland, UK, populatioin 443
Declared a Climate Emergency
[Minutes here when published]
5 March 2020, Ceredigion County Council, Wales, UK, population 72,992
Declared a Global Climate Emergency.
[Minutes here when published]
9 March 2020, West Harptree Parish Council, England, UK, population 439
Declared a Climate and Nature Emergency
Minutes are here.
10 March 2020, Kingsbridge Town Council, England, UK, population 6,116
Declared a Climate and Nature Emergency. Agenda is here. Minutes are here.
10 March 2020, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council, England, UK, population 328,450
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
12 March 2020, Doddiscombsleigh Parish Council, England, UK, population ?
Declared a Climate Emergency
12 March 2020, Newton & Noss Parish Council, England, UK, population 1,814
Declared a Climate Emergency
23 March 2020, Hastings Borough Council, England, UK, population 92,855
Approved a Climate Emergency Action Plan
Minutes are here.
Note: the above refers to a CED that passed in February 2019, but that particular motion was not referred to as being a Climate Emergency motion at that time despite containing many actions consistent with being a CED motion.
18 May 2020, Wallingford Town Council, England, UK, population 11,600
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
RESOLVED: THAT Wallingford Town Council accepts that there is a national and global climate emergency. Wallingford Town Council declares that we join with South Oxfordshire District Counciland Oxfordshire County Council in seeking to become a carbon neutral organisation by 2030, and that we will take environmental considerations into account inall our decisions when supporting our community. We will make all reasonable and pragmatic steps to,
1.Reduce and offset the environmental impacts of the daily operations of the Council
2.Work actively and positively with local groups and organisations to protect and improve our environment, its biodiversity, and its sustainability.
8 june 2020, Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, Northern Ireland, UK, population 140,877
Declared a Climate Emergency. Council referred the motion to the Environmental Services Committee for approval.
Motion text and minutes showing unanimous approval are here.
17 June 2020, Tockwith with Wilstrop Parish Council, England, UK, population 1,597
Declared a Climate Emergency
[Minutes here when published]
25 June 2020, Shipley Town Council, England, UK, population 15,483
Declared a Climate Emergency
Motion text is here.
14 July 2020, Halstock Parish Council, England, UK, population 6,431
Declared a Climate Emergency
Council website:
22 July 2020, Bridgend County Borough Council, Wales, UK, population 147,539
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
30 July 2020, Powys County Council, Wales, UK, population 132,447
Declared a Climate Emergency, originally on 30 July 2020, but a counting error put this decision in doubt and so a new CED motion was proposed and passed on 24 September 2020.
Motion text approved on 24 September 2020 is Item 9 in the agenda here.
This Council notes the IPPC Panel report on Global warming predicts severe impacts to health, home and environment, with the severe floods of October 2019 and February 2020 endangering Powys communities, clearly demonstrating that we are ill prepared for the challenges we face as a Council.
This Council notes that by declaring a climate emergency, councils are demonstrating their collective leadership and signifying the urgency which, as a publicly accountable body, they place on tackling climate change and decarbonising the economy as required by The Environment (Wales) Act 2016.
This Council notes that by supporting the Local Electricity Bill the council will remove the barriers to local energy supply, and could lead by example in reducing its corporate carbon footprint by using our farm estate to become a local renewable electricity provider, whilst also supporting communities to find innovative ways to reduce their carbon footprint and invest in, and support, their community facilities.
This Council notes Fay Jones’ MP commitment to the cross-party effort to have the Local Electricity Bill passed into law, helping Councils kick-start a local energy revolution which has the potential to reduce Powys’ carbon footprint once and for all whilst distributing the benefits to local communities perpetually.
This Council therefore resolves to:
1. Join with other councils across Wales in declaring a Climate Emergency
2. Support the implementation of Prosperity for All: A Low Carbon Wales (March 2019) to make Powys County Council a net zero carbon local authority by 2030.
3. Request the Leader to consider assigning roles within the cabinet to lead on Climate Change mitigation and to actively engage with all members and stakeholders by: A. setting up a cross-party working group and, B. establishing a Powys-wide multi-stakeholder group, to develop a baseline picture @2020 and bring forward a strategy and action plan @2021 for a truly sustainable Powys.
4. Support our MPs to ensure the Local Electricity Bill succeeds in an Adjournment Debate to encourage and enable the local supply of electricity and facilitate more resilient Powys communities.
5. Ask Welsh and UK Governments to provide the necessary support and resources to enable effective carbon reductions and transition to a green Powys economy.
Proposed by Cllr Jake Berriman
Seconded by Cllr Jackie Charlton
11 August 2020, Wellington Town Council, England, UK, population 25,554
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
17 August 2020, East Staffordshire Borough Council, England, UK, population 119,754
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
20 August 2020, Seaford Town Council, England, UK, population 23,463
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
7 September 2020, Marlborough Town Council, England, UK, population 8,395
Declared a Climate Emergency
Draft minutes are here.
RESOLVED: that Marlborough Town Council will declare a climate emergency and follow up to create an action plan via either a standing agenda item or a working party, taking guidance from the approach of similar town councils such as Bradford-on-Avon
8 September 2020, Anglesey County Council, Wales, UK, population 69,961
Declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda item is here.
In April, 2019, the Welsh Government Minister for the Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths, AM, declared a climate emergency in Wales.
Gwynedd County Council have already followed WAG and declared along with other authorities to follow the same footpath.“I call on this Council to follow suit and sign up to the commitment to achieve a Carbon Neutral Public Sector by 2030. We must recognise that this Council cannot continue with business as usual, and prepare an action plan, which can be monitored and implemented.
We need to stop investing in fossil fuels, use our local planning policies to accelerate the delivery of net zero carbon developments and communities.
We are in a position to make a difference for the sake of future generations, and we have a moral duty to act”.
14 September 2020, Towcester Town Council, England, UK, population 9,252
Declared a Climate and Nature Emergency
Minutes are here.
24 September 2020, Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council, Wales, UK, population 69,713
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
Members considered the report of the Managing Director.The Executive Member –Regeneration & Economic Development proposed that Option 1 be endorsed with addendum that the Council declare a climate emergency. It was noted that the Welsh Government was leading on this and had asked local authorities to consider accordingly.
It was unanimously,RESOLVED, subject to the foregoing, that the report be accepted
and Option 1 be endorsed, namely that the Decarbonisation Plan 2020 –2030 be approved.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council declare a climate emergency.
25 September 2020, Scottish Borders Council, Scotland, UK, population 115,270
Declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda item is here.
It is recommended that Council:
(a)Recognises and declares a Climate Emergency; and
(b)Agrees: soon as possible, to set a target for achieving a reduction in the Council’s carbon emissions, which is at least consistent with the Scottish Government’s target of net zero by 2045 and the intermediate targets set out in the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets)(Scotland) Act 2019; build upon the work we have undertaken to date, and to align our policies to address the Climate Emergency; set out a clear plan of action to reduce our carbon emissions and other greenhouse gases, such plan to return to Council for consideration before March 2021; assess the resource requirements placed on the Council by the aforementioned plan of action and to investigate all possible sources of external funding and match funding to support this commitment; work collaboratively with Community Planning Partners, and other stakeholders, including businesses and the public in developing the Scottish Borders’ response to the Climate Emergency;
vi.that the Sustainable Development Committee oversee development of the plan to be presented to Council before March 2021, and oversee the development and implementation of the plan agreed by Council in responding to the Climate Emergency;
vii.that the Sustainable Development Committee develop recommendations on a collaborative and inclusive regional dialogue on climate action to be included in theplan to be considered by Council before March 2021.
1 October 2020, Buckhurst Hill Parish Council, England, UK, population 11,380
Declared a Climate Emergency and set a 2030 carbon neutral target date
Agenda is here.
6 October 2020, Hazelbury Bryan Parish Council, England, UK, population 1,059
Declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency and set a 2030 carbon neutral target date for council operations
14 October 2020, Spelthorne Borough Council, England, UK, population 99,844
Declared a Climate Emergency
Council article is here.
[Minutes here when available]
2 November 2020, Thurlestone Parish Council, England, UK, population 1,886
Declared a Climate Emergency
8 December 2020, Mary Tavy Parish Council, England, UK, population 600
Declared a Climate Emergency
10 December 2020, Sherston Parish Council, England, UK, population 1,639
Acknowledged the Climate Emergency
Agenda is here.
17 December 2020, Sprotbrough & Cusworth Parish Council, England, UK, population 12,134
Declared a Climate Emergency
Council website and motion text:
4 January 2021, Wilsden Parish Council, England, UK, population 4,807
Declared a Climate Emergency
4 February 2021, Maldon District Council, England, UK, population 64,926
Declared a Climate Emergency and set a 2030 carbon neutral target date
Statement text is here.
Climate Emergency Statement
Maldon District Council herewith seeks to declare a Climate Emergency. In doing so we acknowledge the growing consensus that unless wesignificantly reduce UK and global greenhouse gas emissions, the consequences of climate change will be severe.
The District of Maldon is bounded by 70 miles of coast line and there are a number of areas around Mayland, Tollesbury and Goldhanger where sea defences are at risk of being below the acceptable level of protection, potentially causing flooding to valuable agricultural land. Areas of air quality concern have also been identified within our District due to the use of older, more polluting heavy goods vehicles. With the prospect of greater development occurring across the District and the increased risk of sea levels and rising pollution, we will seek toidentify ways to reducecarbon emissions across Maldon, by developing strong partnership links, improving transport initiatives, encouraging greener developments and supporting green infrastructure.
Our aspiration is:
To develop a Climate Strategy with the aim to be a carbon neutral DistrictCouncilby 2030 and ensure that all our strategic decisions, budgets and approaches to planningdecisions are in line with a shift to net-zero carbon by 2030
To support and work with all other relevant agencies towards making Maldon District and its parishes net-zero carbon within thesame timescale
To work with, influence and inspire partnerships across the District to help deliver the goals through all relevant strategies, plans and shared resources
To seek to include young people in the process, ensuring that they have a voicein shaping the futureWe make this declaration to show our commitment to making a positive change which we hope will benefit our residents and future generations.
24 February 2021, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, England, UK, population 334,179
Declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda is here.
8 March 2021, Stinsford Parish Council, England, UK, population 334
Declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency
17 March 2021, Halstead Town Council, England, UK, population 11,906
Declared a Climate Emergency
Draft minutes are here.
31 March 2021, Earley Town Council, England, UK, population 30,868
Declared a Climate Emergency and adopted its Climate Emergency Action Plan
Minutes here when published
29 April 2021, Hart District Council, England, UK, population 99,408
Declared a Climate Emergency
6 May 2021, Albury Parish Council, England, UK, population 1,191
Declared a Climate Emergency
On council website here.
27 May 2021, Nottinghamshire County Council, England, UK, population 828,224
Declared a Climate Emergency
Article and motion text is here.
1 June 2021, Lilleshall Parish Council, England, UK, population 1,370
Declared a Climate Emergency
1 July 2021, Newton St Cyres Parish Council, England, UK, population 562
Declared a Climate Emergency
Website page:
9 July 2021, Peacehaven Town Council, England, UK, population 14,067
Declared a Climate Emergency
Motion text is here.
12 July 2021, Christchurch Town Council, England, UK, population 48,368
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
15 July 2021, Worcestershire County Council, England, UK, population 595,786
Declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda item is here.
[Minutes here when available]
15 July 2021, North Northamptonshire Council, England, UK, population 354,477
Declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda item is here.
10 August 2021, Aylsham Town Council, England, UK, population 8,200
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
19 August 2021, Clackmannanshire Council, Scotland, UK, population 51,400
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
9 September 2021, King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council, England, UK, population 151,383
Declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda Item 10 is here.
27 September 2021, Leighton Linslade Town Council, England, UK, population 37,469
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
30 September 2021, Argyll and Bute Council, Scotland, UK, population 86,260
Declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda is here.
6 October 2021, New Forest District Council, England, UK, population 180,086
Declared a Climate Emergency
Council news is here.
11 October 2021, Corsham Town Council, England, UK, population 13,000
Declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency
Minutes are here.
14 October 2021, Arundel Town Council, England, UK, population 3,475
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
16 November 2021, Merchiston Community Council, Scotland, UK, population 5,151
Declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency
Announcement and declaration text is here.
18 November 2021, Nantwich Town Council, England, UK, population 17,424
Declared a Climate Emergency
Council announcement is here.
23 November 2021, Newport City Council, Wales, UK, population 154,676
Declared an Ecological and Climate Emergency
Agenda Item 5 is here.
14 December 2021, Hambleton District Council, England, UK, population 91,594
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
25 January 2022, Stamford Town Council, England, UK, population 19,701
Declared commitment to tackling the Climate Emergency
31 January 2022, Maldon Town Council, England, UK, population 14,220
Declared a Climate Emergency and set a 2030 carbon neutral target date
Council announcement and declaration text is here.
16 February 2022, Dawley Hamlets Parish Council, England, UK, population 8,008
Declared a Climate Emergency
24 March 2022, Morecambe Town Council, England, UK, population 34,768
Declared a Climate Emergency and set a 2030 carbon neutral target date
7 June 2022, Alcester Town Council, England, UK, population 6,273
Declared a Climate Emergency
20 June 2022, Royston Town Council, England, UK, population 15,781
Declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency
Council news and motion is here.
5 July 2022, North Yorkshire County Council, England, UK, population 618,054
Declared a Climate Emergency
Minutes are here.
14 July 2022, Swindon Borough Council, England, UK, population 222,193
Declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda Item 7a is here.
28 September 2022, Neath Port Talbot Council, Wales, UK, population 142,300
Declared a Climate Emergency and set a 2030 carbon neutral target date
Agenda item:
7 November 2022, Beaudesert & Henley In Arden Parish Council, England, UK, population 990
Declared a Climate Emergency
9 November 2022, Perth & Kinross Council, Scotland, UK, population 151,290
Declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency
22 March 2023, Havering Council, England, UK, population 262,052
Declared a Climate Emergency
Agenda and Minutes:
27 March 2023, Aberdeen City Council, Scotland, UK, population 198,590
Declared a Climate and Nature Emergency
Council news:
13 June 2023, Taunton Town Council, England, UK, population 60,479
Declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency and set a 2030 carbon neutral target date
21 June 2023, Brentwood Borough Council, England, UK, population 77,047
Declared a Climate Emergency and set a carbon neutral target of 2030 for its own operations and 2050 or earlier for the entire borough
28 June 2023, Rochford District Council, England, UK, population 87,216
Declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency
Minutes are here.
10 July 2023, Hertford Town Council, England, UK, population 26,783
Declared a Climate Emergency and set a 2030 carbon neutral target for council operations
26 July 2023, East Hertfordshire District Council, England, UK, population 150,158
Declared a Climate Emergency
27 July 2023, Broadland District Council, England, UK, population 131,721
Declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency
Council announcement and motion:
26 October 2023, Erewash Borough Council, England, UK, population 113,047
Declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency
Motion text:
6 November 2023, Charnwood Borough Council, England, UK, population 182,817
Declared a Climate Emergency
Motion text:
6 November 2023, Avon Dassett Parish Council, England, UK, population 210
Declared a Climate Emergency
15 November 2023, Southwater Parish Council, England, UK, population 10,025
Declared a Climate Emergency
Council announcement:
7 December 2023, Runnymede Borough Council, England, UK, population 87,739
Declared a Climate Emergency
Article and motion text:
27 February 2024, Thetford Town Council, England, UK, population 24,340
Declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency
22 May 2024, Hailsham Town Council, England, UK, population 20,476
Declared a Climate Emergency and set a 2030 carbon neutral target date for the town
Council news:
19 June 2024, Portishead Town Council, England, UK, population 26,366
Declared a Climate Emergency