Get your school on the map of Climate Emergency Declaration (CED) schools and tell us what your school community is doing to restore a safe climate!
1. Download and print the school Declaration Certificate at left. Write/type in your school name and ask your Principal to sign it. Add your logo if you wish.
2. Post the image to Instagram and tag it with #schoolCED and #cedamia, and email the image to us so we can add it to this webpage.
3. Submit the Actions Form here (or ask your Principal to submit it) to tell us what your school is doing to tackle the Climate Emergency. We will then add your actions to the description for your school on the map.
Email us if you have questions.

For teachers: See the Climate Change Teacher Academy for information on free e-courses to prepare for United Nations Climate Change Certification as a Lead Teacher for Climate Change Education in your school.

Dorothy Snot Pre-school and Kindergarten – Principle: Daniela Kralli
Actions at 14 May 2019:
– Write letters to local politicians and/or councillors
– Attend mass Climate Strike rallies
– Organise local Strikes at Politicians office/ council/ corporate nasty
– Getting off gas (replacing gas appliances with electric ones)
– Choosing zero/low emissions purchases
– Other: Re-using & recycling all paper used in school
– School making its own biochar & putting in gardens
– Planting trees
– School food gardens so kids learn to grow their own food
– Build community care networks (older kids)
– Kids taking all these ideas home (doing with family / friends / extracurricular activities, etc)

Mia Fora Ki Enan Kairo – Principle: Vaso Sotiriadi
Actions at 17 May 2019:
– Write letters to local politicians and/or councillors
– Register to vote and vote for Climate Emergency Action
– Getting off gas (replacing gas appliances with electric ones)
– Encouraging zero emissions transport
– Choosing zero/low emissions purchases
– Planting trees
– School food gardens so kids learn to grow their own food
– Planting trees to create shade to reduce deaths (native animals & insects) and reduce Heat Island effect
– Kids taking all these ideas home (doing with family / friends / extracurricular activities, etc)
– Other: encompass best practices in our monthly educational program

I.C. Capasso Mazzini – Frattamaggiore – Principal: Fernanda Manganelli
Actions at 17 May 2019:
– Write letters to local politicians and/or councillors
– Organise local Strikes at Politicians office/ council/ corporate nasty
– Register to vote and vote for Climate Emergency Action
– Getting off gas (replacing gas appliances with electric ones)
– Encouraging zero emissions transport
– Choosing zero/low emissions purchases
– School making its own biochar & putting in gardens
– School food gardens so kids learn to grow their own food
– Build community care networks (older kids)
– Kids taking all these ideas home (doing with family / friends / extracurricular activities, etc)

HLBLA St Florian – Principal: Dr. Hubert Fachberger
Actions at 12 June 2019:
– Write letters to local politicians and/or councillors
– Attend mass Climate Strike rallies
– Register to vote and vote for Climate Emergency Action
– Projects at school about climate related topics, i.e. mobility, food, biodiversity
– Wood chips heating, photovoltaik panels 50kWpeak, thermal solar panels for hot water
– Planting trees
– sustainable agriculture, renewable ressources like straw bales as thermal insulation
– School food gardens so kids learn to grow their own food
– Planting trees to create shade to reduce deaths (native animals & insects) and reduce Heat Island effect
– Umweltzeichen certified school, Klimabündnis school
– Participation of parents, co-operation with the community in St. Florian

Energy Coast UTC, UK – Vice Principal: Ian Russell
Declared a Climate Emergency on 25 June 2019. Their press release is here.

The Chase School, UK – Principal: Sarah Dukes
The school’s declaration announcement is here.
Actions as of 27 June 2019:
Key Actions:
Increase knowledge and understanding of climate change across the school community
Reduce volume of printing and offset the school’s annual printing consumption by planting trees on the school site or by pledges made by others
Increase overall recycling and seek a reduction in energy consumption through improved recycling facilities and improved behaviour across students and staff
Improve drinking water facilities around the school in order to reduce single use plastic water bottles
Increase number of pupils and staff cycling and walking to school to create more sustainable transportIn addition to the above goals, we have compiled a short list of questions to encourage staff and students to act in accordance with a crisis, that can be displayed around the school.
Can I walk or bike to school? Can I take the bus or train? Can I car-share?
Do I need to buy single use plastic? Do I have a re-usable water bottle?
Do I strive to look after my pens, books and other belongings in order to avoid unnecessary waste?Staff:
Resources – do I need to print it? Can I reduce it to use less paper? Can I reuse it at a later date?
Do I recycle, and encourage the pupils to recycle?
Do I positively promote the “reduce, reuse, repair, & recycle” motto? Do I positively promote the required shift in mind-set?

Wahab Adorsho High School, Gopalganj, Bangladesh – Principal: Shushen Kumar Bagchi
Actions as of 20 July 2019
– Write letters to local politicians and/or councillors
– Getting off gas (replacing gas appliances with electric ones)
– Getting meat out of the canteen
– School making its own biochar & putting in gardens
– Planting trees
– School food gardens so kids learn to grow their own food
– Planting trees to create shade to reduce deaths (native animals & insects) and reduce Heat Island effect
– Audit school to ensure best prepared for extreme weather, floods & fire
– Kids taking all these ideas home (doing with family / friends / extracurricular activities, etc)

Little Angels private school – Principal: Nkhondowe
Actions as of 2 September 2019:
Write letters to local politicians and/or councillors
Attend mass Climate Strike rallies
Organise local Strikes at Politicians office/ council/ corporate nasty
Register to vote and vote for Climate Emergency Action
School is buying 100% renewable energy
Getting off gas (replacing gas appliances with electric ones)
Encouraging zero emissions transport
Getting meat out of the canteen
Choosing zero/low emissions purchases
School making its own biochar & putting in gardens
Planting trees
School food gardens so kids learn to grow their own food
Planting trees to create shade to reduce deaths (native animals & insects) and reduce Heat Island effect
Audit school to ensure best prepared for extreme weather, floods & fire
Build community care networks (older kids)
Kids taking all these ideas home (doing with family / friends / extracurricular activities, etc)

St Georges Preparatory, UK – Principal: Cormac Timothy
Actions as of 6 September 2019:
Write letters to local politicians and/or councillors
Encouraging zero emissions transport
Choosing zero/low emissions purchases
Meat out of the canteen one day a week
Planting trees
School food gardens so kids learn to grow their own food
Planting trees to create shade to reduce deaths (native animals & insects) and reduce Heat Island effect
Holding a Positive Climate Action day at school
Kids taking all these ideas home (doing with family / friends / extracurricular activities, etc)

Athénée Royal d’Ouffet, Belgium – Principal: Thielens Eric
Actions as of 13 September 2019
– Write letters to local politicians and/or councillors
– tri des déchets
– Plant trees
– Planting trees to create shade to reduce deaths (native animals & insects) and reduce Heat Island effect
– Audit school to ensure best prepared for extreme weather, floods & fire
– Kids taking all these ideas home (doing with family / friends / extracurricular activities, etc)

Xaveriuscollege, Belgium – Principal: Dirk Dobbeleers
Actions as of 17 September 2019
– Write letters to local politicians and/or councillors
– Encouraging zero emissions transport
– Investing in solar power panels on the rooftops of the schoolbuildings.
– School making its own biochar & putting in gardens
– Planting trees
– School food gardens so kids learn to grow their own food
– Kids taking all these ideas home (doing with family / friends / extracurricular activities, etc)
– Giving children space and time to experiment and involve in actions of their own-making. Stimulate creativity. Get them out and talk to other classes and teacher about their actions and stimulate them to get involved.

GO! BS ‘t Konkelgoed Lebbeke, Belgium – Principal: Manuela Ferket
Actions as of 18 September 2019
– Write letters to local politicians and/or councillors
– Encouraging zero emissions transport
– Choosing zero/low emissions purchases
– Planting trees
– Building a pipe to measure the quality of the air (of the schoolarea).
– School food gardens so kids learn to grow their own food
– Planting trees to create shade to reduce deaths (native animals & insects) and reduce Heat Island effect
– Energiekids = in every classroom one kid with the task to take care of “mother earth” by keeping the doors closed in winter, not loosing valuable water, put off the lights when not used
– Kids taking all these ideas home (doing with family / friends / extracurricular activities, etc)
Provinciale Handelsschool Hasselt, Belgium – Principal: Peter Annaert
Actions as of 19 September 2019
– Register to vote and vote for Climate Emergency Action
– Climate council between teachers and pupils
– Encouraging zero emissions transport
– School making its own biochar & putting in gardens
– Planting trees
– School food gardens so kids learn to grow their own food
– Planting trees to create shade to reduce deaths (native animals & insects) and reduce Heat Island effect
– Kids taking all these ideas home (doing with family / friends / extracurricular activities, etc)

Sint Victor Alsemberg, Belgium – Principal: Kevin Swaelens
Actions as of 20 September 2019
We engageren ons als school om:
– Brieven te schrijven naar lokale politici en beleidsmensen om de hoogdringendheid van actie te onderstrepen.
– Acties van milieuorganisaties te steunen. Music for Life actie ten voordele van Natuurpunt, ondertekenen van petities …
– Op termijn naar 100% hernieuwbare energie te gaan, dit o.a. door het plaatsen van zonnepanelen, over te schakelen naar een groene leverancier…
– Leerlingen en personeelsleden aan te moedigen zich zoveel mogelijk te voet, met de fiets of met het openbaar vervoer te verplaatsen (woon-werk/ schoolverkeer en tijdens uitstappen en reizen)
– Het aanbod aan vegetarische alternatieven in de refter te vergroten, dit door het introduceren van Donderdag Veggiedag, (sporadisch) aanbieden van soep, vegetarische broodjes …
– Schoolmateriaal aan te kopen met een zo laag mogelijke CO2-uistoot.
– Extra bomen te planten op onze campus.
– Een moestuin aan te leggen.
– De leerlingen correct te informeren over de klimaatproblematiek (tijdens de lessen, de milieuweek …)
– Leerlingen en personeel aan te moedigen hun kennis verder uit te dragen in hun omgeving.
Write letters to local politicians and/ or councilors
Register to vote and vote for Climate Emergency Action
School is buying 100% renewable energy
Encouraging zero emissions transport
Getting meat out of the canteen (once a week)
Choosing zero/ low emissions purchases
Planting trees
School food gardens so kids learn to grow their own food
Making a priority of informing students of Climate change
Kids taking all these ideas home

Internaat Mariaburcht Stevoort, Belgium, 20 September 2019

leefschool TOVERBOL, Belgium – Principal: Wendy Desmet
Actions at 25 September 2019
– nemen deel aan mei plastic-vrij
– sensibiliseren om geen onnodig papier en plastic te verbruiken
– werken aan een groene speelplaats en schoolomgeving
– Kids taking all these ideas home (doing with family / friends / extracurricular activities, etc)
– aanmoedigen om met de fiets of te voet naar school te komen

Institut Saint Laurent, Marche-en-Famenne, Belgium – Principal: Jérôme Tondat
25 September 2019
VTI Zandhoven, Belgium
25 September 2019
Atheneum Brussel, Belgium – Principal: Kim Van Waeyenberghe
Actions as of 26 September 2019
– Write letters to local politicians and/or councillors
– Attend mass Climate Strike rallies
– Choosing zero/low emissions purchases
– less paper use
– Planting trees
– Planeless travel
-Build community care networks (older kids)
– Thursday Veggie Day

Stella Matutina, Wuustwezel, Belgium – Principal: Luc Van Poppel
Actions as of 26 September 2019
– Write letters to local politicians and/or councillors
– Register to vote and vote for Climate Emergency Action
– School is buying 100% renewable energy
– Encouraging zero emissions transport
– Getting meat out of the canteen
– Planting trees
– playground with more green
– Planting trees to create shade to reduce deaths (native animals & insects) and reduce Heat Island effect
– Kids taking all these ideas home (doing with family / friends / extracurricular activities, etc)
– climate awareness and clear litter

Sint-Michielscollege Brasschaat, Belgium – Principal: Patrick De Bruyn
Actions as of 26 September 2019
– Attend mass Climate Strike rallies
– inform student of the misinformation on social media about climate change
– Encouraging zero emissions transport
– Getting meat out of the canteen
– Choosing zero/low emissions purchases
– waste reduction
– planting trees
– Planting trees to create shade to reduce deaths (native animals & insects) and reduce Heat Island effect
– Kids taking all these ideas home (doing with family / friends / extracurricular activities, etc)

GBS Klimop Ravels-Eel, Belgium – 27 September 2019

KOsh Secundair Onderwijs, Belgium – Coördinerend directeur SecO: Patrick Heremans
30 September 2019
Provinciaal Instituut voor Haartooi en Schoonheidsverzorging (PIHS), Gent, Belgium – Principal: Jurgen Bockstaele
Declared a Climate Emergency on 2 October 2019
– Klimaatraad (in discussion), research on Climate Strike rallies
– Encouraging zero emissions transport
– Getting meat out of the canteen
– Choosing zero/low emissions purchases
– Salad bar in school restaurant, daily vegetarian alternative in the school restaurant, Motivate pupils and teachers to save energy, climate-related subjects (e.g. Geography / Hair Eco-styling) and assignments (e.g. drawings in school to ‘save the planet’), solar panels on a roof in the Campus (school grounds), drinkable tapwater in every room
– Planting trees
– New garden (2 years ago)
– Planting trees to create shade to reduce deaths (native animals & insects) and reduce Heat Island effect
– Urban (Rooftop) Garden (in discussion)
– Kids taking all these ideas home (doing with family / friends / extracurricular activities, etc)
De Verrekijker municipal school, Weelde, Belgium – 3 October 2019

KTA MoBi Gent, Belgium – Principal: Mr. Stijn Seghers
Actions as of 4 October 2019
– Write letters to local politicians and/or councillors
– Encouraging zero emissions transport
– Getting meat out of the canteen
– we will not use the plane anymore for school trips
– Planting trees
– Project: teachers room off grid ( solar energy),
– School food gardens so kids learn to grow their own food
– Planting trees to create shade to reduce deaths (native animals & insects) and reduce Heat Island effect
– reduce school waste, clean-up actions ( school playground and school environment), reduce heating and electricity use at school,
– Kids taking all these ideas home (doing with family / friends / extracurricular activities, etc)
– More lessons about the climate crisis and possible solutions, pupils make videos to teach each other, lessons about ethical banking and send letters to bank institutions to ask to stop investing in fossil fuels
Sint-Jozefs college, Aarschot, Belgium
Actions as of 10 October 2019
Wij engageren ons om ten minste 8 van de volgende 10 acties uit te voeren.
Ramen isoleren (of nieuwe ramen met dubbel glas plaatsen)
Nieuwe drinkwaterfonteinen plaatsen en gebruik van herbruikbare waterflessen promoten
Geen single-use plastic meer gebruiken
Donderdag veggie-dag promoten
Zwerfvuilacties houden
Oude GSM’s/Smartphones inzamelen
Meer klimaatlessen op school, docu bekijken en/of spreker uitnodigen
Speelplaats vergroenen
Ecosia als zoekrobot gebruiken op pc’s en laptops (en smartphones)
Sponsoring/subsidies zoeken voor het plaatsen van zonnepanelen op het dak
Sint-Jozefsinstituut Borsbeek, Belgium – Principal: Lieve Blommaerts
Actions at 6 November 2019:
• Leerkrachten voeding aanzetten tot het maken van meer vegetarische gerechten.
• Donderdag veggiedag promoten.
• Uitpluizen of zonnepanelen op dak poly geplaatst kunnen worden.
• Gsm-inzamelactie organiseren.
• Tweedehandsmarktje organiseren.
• Minder papier verbruiken.
• Lokaal fruit promoten en aanbieden.
• Fietsapplaus ondersteunen.
• Meer groen op de speelplaats brengen.
• Alle leerlingen van de school informeren.

Mater Dei-Institute, Brasschaat, Belgium – Principals: Yo Van Bergen, Kris Van Opstal, Diane Goossenaerts
Declared a Climate Emergency
Actions as of 9 November 2019:
– Interact with politicians on a local level
– Encouraging zero emissions transport
– the school gets a energy and water audit
– Planting trees
– Kids taking all these ideas home (doing with family / friends / extracurricular activities, etc)
– The schoolproject (organised by scientists, youth and teachers for climate) will inform all our fifth year students about climate change. In all classes climate change is a obligatory subject this school year. The sixth year students will be part of the project: join for water (, climatecoaches ( will be visiting the school.
Ecole Sainte Julienne du Bac, Fléron, Belgium
Declared a Climate Emergency in December 2019
– made songs and a demonstration in the streets to reclaim big climate decisions.
– made banners and will think about actions to do for the rest of the year.
Ecole Villers-deux-eglises, Namur, Belgium
Declared a Climate Emergency in December 2019
Currently three projects against global warming:
a board game, a short movie and a demonstration in the streets near the school
Koninklijk Atheneum Ekeren, Belgium – Principal: Marleen Meyvis
Actions at 27 January 2020:
-Use of lunchbox is encouraged.
-Plastic bottles for single use are discouraged.
-Introduction of Veggie Mondays with the sale of vegetarian sandwiches.
-Planting of butterfly bushes (budlea) and installation of vertical insect wall to attract butterflies and bees and stimulate biodiversity.
-Heating at school is lowered by 2 degrees.
-Instagram page to promote vegetarian recipes.
-Copies are made recto/verso.
-Letters to parents are no longer printed but sent by email.
-Cycling is stimulated.

ΤΑ ΚΥΚΛΑΜΙΝΑ, Keratsini, Greece – Principal: Papadopoulos Savvas
Declared a Climate Emergency in March 2021
– Write letters to local politicians and/or councillors
– Getting off gas (replacing gas appliances with electric ones)
– Planting trees
– School food gardens so kids learn to grow their own food
– Planting trees to create shade to reduce deaths (native animals & insects) and reduce Heat Island effect
– Kids taking all these ideas home (doing with family / friends / extracurricular activities, etc)

Playtivity, Korydallos, Greece – Principal: Papadopoulos Savvas
Declared a Climate Emergency in March 2021
Actions as of 11 May 2021:
– Write letters to local politicians and/or councillors
– Getting off gas (replacing gas appliances with electric ones)
– Encouraging zero emissions transport
– Planting trees
– School food gardens so kids learn to grow their own food
– Planting trees to create shade to reduce deaths (native animals & insects) and reduce Heat Island effect
– Kids taking all these ideas home (doing with family / friends / extracurricular activities, etc)

- Write letters to local politicians and councillors.
- Attend mass Strike rallies.
- Organise local Strikes at Politicians office/ council/ corporate nasty.
- Register to vote and vote for Climate Emergency Action.
- Make sure school is buying 100% renewable energy.
- Get off Gas – get gas out of your school.
- Bring in zero emissions transport. Get students and teachers to commit to a plan for zero emissions transport (including campaigns for needed infrastructure like bike parking, additional safety crossings & zero emissions public transport).
- Get meat out of the canteen.
- Make zero emissions purchases – audit purchases & ensure your school is not buying high emissions products like paper from old growth or native forests.
- Get your school making its own biochar & put in gardens.
- Plant some trees.
- Check out Ecosia – the search engine that uses profits to plant trees
- Get food gardens happening so kids learn to grow their own food.
- Plant trees to create shade to reduce deaths (native animals & insects) and reduce the impact of the Heat Island effect.
- Audit school to ensure it is best prepared for extreme weather, floods & fire. Lobby for additional facilities & required facilities improvements.
- Build community care networks (older kids).
- Teach media literacy so kids can avoid trolls etc on social media
- Get the kids to take all these ideas home and do with family & friends and share with extracurricular activities like sporting clubs etc.